Friday 15 May 2015

6 Features A Truly Dedicated Staff

Let us once and for all dispel doubts: dedication to the company has absolutely nothing to do with seniority, writes Business Insider.

Who is more true: An employee who has worked 20 years, which makes the required minimum, criticizes you and your company at work and in society, and often not very quietly destroys your decisions? Or an employee who works six months a friendly responds to your desire activities and injected as Pope Carlo every day to help you and your company to achieve the goals?

It depends on the experience, of course, but employers are often observed at the dedication of those who work in the company for six months. Dedicated employees work hard for their salaries and tend to the success of your company. They may one day leave, but while they are working for you, they are doing their best for the company and often put the interests of the company above their own. Their loyalty can be shown the most amazing way.

Here are six qualities especially dedicated employees:

1. They see you as a person:

Remember when you were in school and are faced with your teacher, for example, at the grocery store? It was an incredible confusion. The teacher should not have to exist outside of the school. You did not see your teacher as a man who was wearing shorts, make friends, he wore a T-shirt with the image of the group Grateful Dead and generally lived. Your teacher was not a man, he was a teacher.

Many employees see their superiors as well. This means that they do not see you as a person with dreams and hopes, fears and insecurities. You're not a man, you - the boss.

They see you as a person
They see you as a person

Especially dedicated staff overturn labor relations: they know that you want to help them to achieve professional and personal goals and what you want for them all the best, and they also want all the best to you both at work and in personal life. They see you as more than just a boss and treat you accordingly.

2. They tell you what you least want to hear:

They tell you what you least want to hear
They tell you what you least want to hear
As a rule, the larger the steps of the career ladder separates you from the person, the less likely that it will contradict you. For example, your employees can take another position or even tell you that you are wrong. Their immediate subordinates are far less likely to state a position, not similar to yours. And begin staff will build on the general opinion of the company, at least, when you - the listener.

Especially dedicated staff know that you most need to hear what you least like to hear what your ideas can not work, that your view is not true that you made a mistake. They will tell you if they know that you care about moving forward.

3. They will never criticize you in front of others:

"Criticize bosses" - is a game played by almost every employee, at least sometimes. (One of your employees are probably talking about you right now.) In part, they criticize you, because it's a way to let off steam, but mostly they do it because we all think, at least sometimes, that we can do a better job than the person to whom we are working.

They will never criticize you in front of others
They will never criticize you in front of others

Criticism, ridicule, irony - when you're at the helm, they are commonplace. They also gradually erode the respect that you have been deserved. Particularly dedicated employees understand this. They do not gossip, they do not scoff, they do not talk behind your back, they show respect for you, even when you are not there, and expect to receive an answer in the same.

4. They express their disagreement privately:

Disputes and disagreements helpful. Weigh the pros and cons of the decision, to find fault, to exchange views - every leader wants to hear what he or she thinks the team. This not only helps to understand it stimulates.

They express their disagreement privately
They express their disagreement privately

Loyal employees believe that they are free to share their opinions in the same way as you. In fact, they believe in what you want them to do it, because you and the company benefit from the honest exchange of different opinions and points of view. But once the decision was taken ...

5. They fully support your decision and you are in public:

They fully support your decision and you are in public
They fully support your decision and you are in public
Surely you have at least one meeting where one of the staff said, "Look, I do not think it is right to do, but I
was told that we were going to do it anyway. So let's at least try" . After this little speech anyone ever tried? Even when they do not agree with the decision, really dedicated staff are not trying to prove you wrong. They do everything possible to prove that you are right.

6. They tell you when they need to go:

Have you ever met a wonderful dedicated staff, which is not just an ordinary worker remarkable. Because of this, you want them to stay. You need them to stay.

They tell you when they need to go
They tell you when they need to go

However, sometimes they need to get away: for the best possibilities of another way of life, to work in a new field of activity or start their own business. But they also know that their departure will create a huge hole, so they say in advance to give you time to prepare.


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