Sunday 10 May 2015

17 Best Career Tips For Better Success In your Life

The desire to achieve career success often absorbs man, and he completely forgets about the other equally important aspects of life such as personal happiness, family and mental health. How to achieve a balance between work and personal life? On this issue the publication Business Insider has asked the heads of major US companies and the responses made ​​a list of tips.

Always Leave Your Spare Time In The Work Schedule:

President of LinkedIn Jeff Uyne: "If you look at my schedule, I immediately see the time periods that are no busy. It's not a mistake. This so-called reserve. Every day I leave for a total of 90 minutes to 2 hours of free time. "

Work Is Important, But Family Is More Important:

The founder of Virgin Group Richard Branson: "Even when you have a lot of cases, always found time for his family. Mark it in your diary. You should also inform his colleagues that in an emergency you can drop everything at work and hurry home to deal with urgent problems. "

Do not plan a meeting Wednesday:

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz: "Even with the work in the Facebook I do not wont to schedule meetings on Wednesdays. Now, with a few exceptions, in my calendar that day of the week is always free, allowing you to dedicate his various personal projects. "

Do not use during flights:

Chapter Everenote Phil Libin: "My best advice - do not have to work during flights. It is better rest that is much more useful to you and your company in the long run. When I fly, I sleep, I do not read work-related books, watch movies, play Minecraft, and sometimes even a dream. "
17 Best Career Tips For Better Success In your Life
17 Best Career Tips For Better Success In your Life

Do not spend useless meetings:

The owner of a basketball team Dallas Mavericks Mark Cuban: "If you do not conclude a deal, this meeting - a waste of time. Today, a lot of technologies for virtual communication and negotiation. Should meet only for a particular outcome. "

Engage in regular physical activity:

Head of projects Google's Mike Cassidy: "Except for one or two days a year I go to the gym every day. It helps me to reduce stress, stay healthy and get away from work. "

Try to work from home at least once a week: 

Brian Head HupSpot Helligan: "One of my main advice - to work from home at least one day a week. This makes it possible to think well and do personal affairs. "

Make yourself unavailable for a few weeks: 

President of eBay John Donohue: "Living in the world, which operates 24 hours, 7 days a week, mistakenly assume that a business leader should be constantly in touch with work. I am available 50 weeks a year and try to be completely unavailable for the remaining two weeks. "

Plan time for creativity:

Head of Social Innovation of Twitter Claire Diaz-Ortiz: "The time for creative work is difficult to determine the exact time, such as the meeting at 16:00. However, the creative time is extremely important for long-term goals. Try to schedule a daily window for personal creativity and do not allow anyone to violate it. "

Work effectively with your email:

Zappos President Tony Hsey: "If the response to a message can wait 48 hours, then do not answer today. Process (destroy, answer or determinable time to answer) 10 e-mail, you received the day before, before you start to read today's mail. "

Less shave and makes weekly time chart :

President ZocDoc Massuml Cyrus: "I shave less often, because it gives me extra time. In addition, I make a chart of free time each week. This allows me to better understand how much time I spend on a particular case. "

Get up early and physical activity:

President of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Frits van Paaschen: "I am one of those people who like to get up early and to engage in physical activity. This allows me to have a pure intellect and always remain active. "

It is necessary to take care of his body:

President BUMI Jennifer Walzer: "I try to listen to your body. When I feel like it does not matter, I'm taking the day off. If something distracts, worries or hurts, I go to the doctor and get tested. Very often we do not notice important symptoms. "

Disconnect from the daily concerns:

Deloitte Consulting President Jim Moffatt: "If you can disconnect from everyday worries, you can calmly think about strategy and what is needed to succeed in a period of 9 to 24 months."

Feel when to move forward:

American billionaire Donald Trump: "My inner voice always tells me when it is time to finish something. Sometimes it is necessary to finish the fight and leave, to go where the result will be. "

Rasstantes with people and things that do not matter:

President Ann Inc. Kay Krill: "One of my mentors told me that you need to learn how to turn off the life of the people who mean nothing more, and focus all energy on what's important."

Throw The Cap Over The Mill:

Former CFO of Lehman Brothers Erin Kalan: "For several years now I have different goals. I'm trying to focus its energies on my new husband and the people I love and appreciate. Now I do not have all day long to stay in touch with work, you do not need to eat lunch at your desk, do not need to fly overnight flight to Europe on his birthday. Now I realize that I could do the same thing at the same speed, but do not forget about his personal life. "


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