Sunday 31 May 2015

Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization

WHO TOPOM WAS NOT, HE DID NOT SEE LIFE. Living in a big corporation is fundamentally different from the world of small or small companies. Those who are in the corporate world as an adult or after work experience in the service, project business, where everything is tied to the result, may experience serious difficulties in building a career.

Typically, the most difficult to account for those who by their facial features refers to the "doer" and not the "functionaries". First - this is the people for whom it is important to achieve real measurable results. They are like a fish in water feels in project selling and marketing divisions. They can ignore the bureaucratic barriers to the extent that it does not prevent the achievement of business objectives. "Functionaries" are easily adapted to the environment where the work is built around procedures, regulations, rules. For them, the hours of RAM are not the problem, on the contrary, participation in all events, one way or another reflect the processes, it is the work.

The top managers of the reach both of them, but with different energy consumption. The laborers have to adapt to the unusual pastime or a meaningless event. That ye workers often underestimate the importance of political processes in the company. They find it difficult to conduct multi-way talks within the company, to take into account the interests of different groups and wait until finally it will be possible to develop a simple work.

In my experience working in the corporate world and the experience of counseling usually I give the following advice to those who are in the corporate world for the first time, after work in the service of the company, or is an obvious doer of their profile. 

Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization
Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization

1. Be prepared for the fact that at the crucial moment of your results will be judged not on the facts, figures, indicators, and by the fact that someone said something. Or that all your exploits at any time can be mitigated, if you make something on the brink of corporate traditions. For example, dismissing the old employee who sabotaged your work. Or, God forbid, a couple of these.

2. Never attribute all the laurels of victory. Correct head give the laurels to his team. A correct corporate players - part laurels always delegate colleagues at the same level of the hierarchy.

3. Immediately determine for themselves that the results of your work in a corporation - it's not just the turnover-profit-margin, cost-efficiency. It is your efforts to maintain the circuit in the safety organization and integrity. And that means - building constructive relationships with all the key people and maintaining them.
And the most intimate advice, do not print - no one believe.


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