Tuesday 26 May 2015

A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present

The client on the results   career counseling , noticed that he was looking at the new situation at work. In principle, the other position - no where to go, and how to develop in a broader sense than just a discussion of the existing duties. 

In half of the cases during the discussion with the heads of the query "where, when and how to leave"   we come to a discussion of how to make new achievements in the current job. 

This reversal does not occur immediately. As a rule, leaders who conspired to escape from the company came to the decision for a reason.   People are experienced, not the first time come and go, have seen different managers can compare, understand the market   Labor easily find 10 differences between the companies in the industry.   Render a report that there is a well where we are not. Understand the risks, particularly in the current economic situation.   It would seem,   You can focus on the analysis of vacancies in the market,   methods of their position and not go into details. 

All would have been, if not for the experience of watching the ups and downs of the heads of all sizes and at different levels. The two do not always realize the strategy prevalent in the career managers - an escape from something and move on to some purpose. 

The strategy to target motion, indeed,   followed by an analysis of the prospects in terms of the labor market and the opportunities to get the best of available opportunities. 

A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present
A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present

Strategy escape   by ... (the head, title, neighbor in the office, korpkultury, motivation system, etc..) is not immediately obvious. As a rule, it is covered with good wording.   Because the internal causes and possible consequences of the internal   not always available for reflection and awareness and, more   all painted with negative feelings. 

A key symptom   - The presence or absence of feelings of success at a time when you   thinking   about changing jobs. If you are not sure what is now (or at all in the recent past), you - the hero, it is better to spend time evaluating themselves, their achievements and their strengths and weaknesses.   Find or invisible and non-obvious feats in the past or plan their commission in the near future. In fact, to change the focus from what you have under your feet to focus on the horizon. 

Better, of course, his own portrait with the help of an external expert to draw, so as not to discriminate happened. But to start is also possible, after all the leaders are those who initially inclined to reflection.


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