Sunday 17 May 2015

As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job?

In difficult economic times, many job seekers have to give up the old career ambitions, to lower the bar on wages and be prepared to work for lower positions. However, even here it may be difficult that employers are afraid to take too skilled people. How to convince them that you come?

"In my last job, I earned $ 100 thousand. Per year. After 9 months of unsuccessful job search I search among the lowest positions in the company where I can grow, - said in a letter of unemployed Americans. - When people ask me about my last salary, there is an awkward silence, and they tell me that they can not pay so much. "

The most difficult step in the job search - overcoming initial summary view, reports Business Insider. Of course, a well-written cover letter, and a proactive approach will help the applicant get the attention from the interests of his company. Despite the adjustment of expectations, a specialist recruitment will still be skeptical. But the situation can be brought under control, directly pointing to the lack of specific skills and a long break from work.

The applicant is more persuasive and attractive when openly points to its negative aspects. Confidence helps get the job done. 

As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job
As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job?

Try to be an employee of the personnel department open, positive and at the same time hard, "Dear Elena, thank you for the opportunity to meet with you today. I understand that I am somewhat atypical candidate for the vacant position, and I appreciate the opportunity to explain the reasons for my interest and how I can be useful to your company. "

It is very important before the interview to find an explanation why the company should hire a super majority of the employee. This will help avoid questions on this topic representative of the personnel department. Clearly explain what the pros (especially the experience, hard work and qualifications) will receive the company from taking you to work.

Careful preparation and help avoid awkward phrases like "we do not pay so much." Ideally, you should tell the personnel officer at the very beginning of the conversation that is not against the position that is lower than your previous one, and agree to not very high salary, "I understand that I will receive less than the previous work. I look forward to the same compensation as the candidate with the traditional training and limited experience. "


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