Sunday 10 May 2015

Advice On How To Successfully Pass Stress Interview

Sometimes it seems that the people most harmful substance in relation to their own kind. One of these harmful species may be just a recruiter. From it you can expect any catch. So: Who is at risk of running into a stress interview.
Stress is usually conducted interviews with candidates for positions related to the nervous work. As a rule, it - managers and their assistants, sales and customer service, advertising, insurance agents, journalists, office managers, experts on analysis of claims sellers.

Stress Interview:

Ordinary employees are tested for resistance to stress, loyalty, conflict-free and positive willingness to cooperate, as well as responsiveness and resourcefulness. Top managers and directors not only tested for resistance to stress, but also the presence of strong-willed qualities, leadership potential, confidence, willingness to solve problems in non-standard conditions.

During stressful interview for recruiters are not only the answers to the questions of the applicant but also his emotional reaction. If you start to defend, justify, angry, offended - did not pass the test. It is necessary that at all costs to maintain until the end of the conversation the ability to debate, a positive attitude, confidence, and not to give his irritation.

How to test for resistance to stress.

Test Expectation:

Applicant comes at the appointed time, but the interview begins. We have a long time to mark the door, sometimes in an empty hallway, where there is no place even to sit down. Recruiter saunter with a cup of coffee from room to room, throwing on the move: "Another minute."

Option for an ordinary employee - wait patiently. By waiting, you can prepare: seize the house laptop or stock magazine or book and showing calm, go about their business. Therefore, you demonstrate not only self-control, but also the capacity for continuous learning.

Future leaders should take the initiative - to find out why the meeting was not held at the appointed time. You can easily tell that the time to wait no more, politely say goodbye and walk away with the secretary. In most cases, it will not have time to get to his car, as he called back with a proposal to postpone the interview.

Tests, Questionnaires:

On their completion can take more than one hour. This tested the patience, loyalty to the company (then for some reason it is necessary) and the attitude to routine work.
If left in an empty hallway unfurnished and offers to fill in the questionnaire, do not do it "on the knee." Be sure to ask where you could sit down. Be prepared for the fact that the completed application form you may be asked to rewrite, and more than once, citing, for example, illegible handwriting.

Advice On How To Successfully Pass Stress Interview
Advice On How To Successfully Pass Stress Interview

Test Rudeness:

Recruiter rudely interrupted you, jumps from topic to topic without giving an opportunity to speak, and even reproaches: "I see that you have nothing to say." Do not interrupt, do not irritate and do not make excuses. Closely following the conversation, remember the questions that you supposedly have no answer. Wait until the end of the monologue and express your opinion.

Negative comments on your words, actions, "All this is nonsense, nonsense," "Well, this is unlikely to be useful to our company," "Your presentation seemed very weak and uninteresting." Trying to compete with the recruiter in this case is the failure. Pause, count to ten. Be calm, "Please specify moments in my story that you seemed weak. If this is true, I uchtu comments on the future. "
The recruiter asks questions in an incorrect manner. For example: "What are your actions in a previous job led to the collapse of the company?" Backlash give reason to accuse you not only in relation to painful criticism, but also the desire to hide the facts from their previous experience. Joked: "The company has ceased to operate normally after I left her." Or say that the company is thriving, and in it there is also your merit (but only if it is true).

He asks: "Why do you come here?" React as if he had heard the question "What are your strengths, which can be useful to our company." Tell about what you could do for the company if it became an employee.
Very proceeds to you. If the position you are applying for - linear, for example, the seller or the office manager - it can be assumed, but it is better not to take crony tone. Focus on the situation. But if a top position and tone of the conversation was not friendly, it is polite to ask, on what basis recruiter allows a "poke."

Personal Questions:

The easiest way to knock a person out of the ground under their feet. Questions may be the most unexpected and causes. For example, how often do you have sex? Do you use condoms? Do you have a mistress? Do not you pregnant now? Girls over 25 years like attempting the question "Why are you still single?".

Remember the feeling of self-esteem. You can politely refuse to answer such questions, explaining that the nuances of the intimate personal lives have nothing to do with the professional activity. If you find it difficult to answer, tell the recruiter that you feel ("Your question made me wonder"). You gain time, and the conversation can go in a different direction.

Do not short, remember that the interview - it's a game from which you can withdraw at any time. Include a sense of humor and tell anecdote in the subject, ask another question. The task of recruiter - test your reaction, not to find out the details of the private life. If you keep yourself in hand, you will be able to find an adequate response to even the most tactless question.

Uncomfortable Conditions:

Bright light in the face, smoky room, uncomfortable, or even a broken chair, "accidentally" spilled water on the clothes - all these experiments can detect your patience, resourcefulness, self-esteem and self-respect.
If you are put in conditions that are difficult to carry, - say so and ask them to change: to remove the bulb, replace the chair. Although it is sometimes created in the interview setting are consistent with the working reality. For example, the boss used to smoke cigars and have to work in a smoke-filled room.
If you fell off a broken chair - not stay calmly. You can make a joke: "Who does not fall, he is lying."

"Friend" and "Enemy":

Method contrast, when two recruiter talking to you in a completely opposite styles, one friendly, the other aggressive. Questions "other" predictable and understandable, and the "enemy" introduces difficulty interrupting, trying to provoke a conflict.

The main thing is do not panic - recruiters feel fear as dogs. Do not let the knock yourself confused, calmly answered questions. Unpleasant hints on deaf ears. - Your task is to focus on the content of the issue, not the form in which it is set. If the meaning is not clear, do not hesitate to ask for clarification.

It happens that not two, but several interviewers simultaneously sampled at a very fast pace, almost no time to think about giving back. This check on the reaction rate. Sometimes asking the same question many times, changing it slightly. Or, find fault with almost each phrase: "You mentioned that you were engaged in retail sales - in detail, please." It is important not to get lost in his own story, and certainly avoid the lies in which you want to catch.

In That They Are Ready For Work?

"What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of this place?" - Said the director of the interview one of soiskatelnits. And then I asked the girl to cut her long, beautiful nails.

To find out what you're willing to work for the recruiter can offer anything. For example - to repaint the hair ("You come to us, the only problem - the director likes blondes") or even plastic surgery ("The Company will pay all costs").

How to respond to such requests? Remember the biblical parable that God commanded Abraham to lead his son Isaac to the slaughter, to experience his love to her. He was enough consent of Abraham to sacrifice his son. It is unlikely that the employer really wants to get your nails. All he has to do - find out whether you can diplomatically refuse to respond to unreasonable demands.

We can agree, but then show yourself a soft, malleable man. And you can laugh it off or politely say no. Say: "The hair I can hardly repaint, but to stay at work, if needed, is ready."

And when the offer is quite harmless, for example, sing or dance, then why not? If you know how, really sing - you show yourself a creative person uncomplexed. If you do not know - try to get out. Say that used to do well, we would like to learn a decent song and perform at the next interview.

A Glass Of Water In His Face:

Such methods of checking candidates, of course, are extreme, but we must be ready for him. Reply necessary, otherwise impress Akaky - willed person who is unable to fight back. So consider yourself recruiters.

Office employees, which of interviewed, are inclined to different embodiments of "revenge." For some, a natural reaction - a brazen strike recruiter, especially if they did not know what job interview stress and provocative actions are planned. Others prefer to keep the first impulse and "beat with a sling," not with his fist, and the word - refer to the company or the police. Still others try to evade and avoid conflict, limiting the phrase "I think this conversation is over." Fourth, please provide your answer to such a disgrace - in the comments below.

However, the stress test as a way to interview candidates there. But first, it can not be used without exception for all. And, secondly, this hard test method should be used only by specially trained people - professionals of handling equipment to communicate. They do not go too far and follow the rules of the game. And in the end hold special events for the withdrawal of a person from a state of stress, end the conversation on a positive note and explain to the applicant why it had to be subjected to a severe test.


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