Saturday 6 June 2015

6 Dangerous Beliefs That Can Ruin Your Career

There are some incredibly dangerous statements with which we go through life, and constantly bear repeating. And they at some point may adversely affect your career confidence.

Hazardous conviction # 1: Perfectionism = Success:

Human beings, so arranged by nature, are fallible. When perfectionism, the ideal result is your main goal, you always live with a terrible fear to make a mistake, spend too much time complaining that something is not possible, instead rejoice already made. In general, do not overdo in his life with a thrust to the ideal of creation. Because nature does not create ideal forms, but the most beautiful apples in the store are always grated wax and are composed of a pinch of GMOs.

Hazardous belief # 2: My destiny is ordained:

So many people are obsessed with the idea of ​​completely irrational that they are destined to succeed somewhere, and somewhere in the fall. Stop it now! Your destiny, life is in your hands, and the use of certain forces beyond your control to justify both victories and defeats, it is doubly unacceptable. Sometimes life gives you a card in the hands of the pagans, and sometimes you swindles. Your desire to transfer to the "wrong" hands on this game - absolutely obvious forfeited. PS Psychic fifth generation Claudius advise you never to play cards;)

Hazardous belief # 3: Always or Never!:

There is no-thing in this life that you have always done or ever will do. Remember, you told my mom that will never vandalize? break cup? So what? Get it? Limit your life, your actions, your behavior such concepts just fundamentally wrong. This all means that you can not control your life or do not want to change it. Do not give in and just honestly tell yourself that you will make mistakes and will go to McDonald's again.

Hazardous belief # 4: I do well when others disapprove:

I do well when others disapprove
I do well when others disapprove

Regardless of what people think about you at any time of life, one thing for sure is true in most cases: you are not as bad as they say, but not so good. If Elena at the school told you that you're a genius, and you need a Nobel Prize, you try it as soon as possible to forget. Most often, such praise is relaxing, not stimulating. You can not just disconnect from the opinions of others, but you must learn to take everything with a pinch of salt. As a positive sense and in a negative. Not so it is important that people think about you, but your self-confidence and self-esteem only your handiwork.

Hazardous belief # 5: My future My past =:

Repeated mistakes and failures can affect your self-confidence, and hard to believe that so often you can achieve success in the future. But you must remember that any failure is the result of what you risk, take responsibility for themselves. No fault can affect your ability to achieve success. Before you learn how to ride a bike, everyone had to strip the knees. So keep falling, because sooner or later all will.

Hazardous conviction # 6: My emotions = Reality:

We must learn to look objectively at their emotions. Yes, it sounds weird. Emotions destroy your vision of reality, you drive themselves and are wasting their potential. So sometimes turn off the emotions.


  1. Hazardous conviction #7:
    Never use Google Translate to make your presentation.
