Tuesday 26 May 2015

Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul

We begin to discuss with anyone my new practice of career counseling, then the question arises - and often does happen that a person all his life was an accountant, and then dropped everything and decided to become a writer? There is the view that analysis of his career only needs to put a full stop on all his experiences and go in the perpendicular direction. 

Quite the opposite. The analysis of the way is necessary, so as not to deviate from the straight line of the career. Because it is the shortest way to the finish line as well. then the least expensive and most clear in terms of the necessary. We talk with the leaders about career lines that have their origins in the past (education and the first years of operation). Experience shows that those who build their working path without deviating much from the line wins.

What are the most common errors committed restless soul.

1. All times are learning something new, thinking that the unknown will be more motivated to work than the already developed area of expertise. This is not about 2-3 basic education (though ideally, that they too were only a logical set) It's about the knowledge from many different areas, obtained in addition to them - training courses, training courses, seminars, courses again. And all the while different areas - the finance, the staff. The list in the summary in such cases is long, the eyes diverge.    And not only the man himself, but also for the employer. 

Win in the present circumstances, those who master and professional in their specialization, who has spent more than 10 thousand. Hours on mastering one subject and not rushed. 

2. Industry break. That's my problem formulated one of the leaders, who after 10 years of experience in the food industry happened to be among the engineers. In his case, the problem was not even in the industry, it was an attempt to become a great boss.   But he suffered a stress for more when he realized that his detailed knowledge of processes and technologies in this case, no one needs. 

Avoid throwing the industry. Viewing 2-3 branches - of variability is enough for a man 40-45 years. 

Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul
Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul

3. Chaotic promotion hierarchical ladder. Many people underestimate the importance of the consistent development of management skills. If you are a department head jumped to the position of director of the department, bypassing intermediate position Head of Department,   highly probable that you are missing something in their competence.   This is an important and complex issue, analyze it in detail again and again. Another option is chaos in the area - go to another company to a lower level just because the pay is better and the grass is greener. 

The winners are those who, even if the pace has been steadily creeping up the turtle. Because it corresponds to the laws of nature - the older-wiser, more experienced, more responsible, wider horizon and better results, etc.


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