Saturday 23 May 2015

The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?

Is it worth getting a higher education? The answer to this question is not so simple. In most developed countries, higher education is paid, and the cost of training in some cases turns out to be simply too high and uneconomical.

Examples can be found in any country, but the problem of the relationship of the labor market and education, despite the strong economy, particularly pronounced in the United States. The British magazine The Economist wrote about the history of Latishi Siaylz who graduated from the University Kensou in Georgia in 2006, where the cost of tuition was $ 35 thousand.

Student debt would not be a serious financial burden if her diploma in "Spanish" helped her to find a paying job. But in America, bordering with Mexico has no shortage of Spanish-speaking employees and Latishe managed to get a fast food restaurant with a salary of $ 11 per hour.

Desperate, she decides to return to the same university and get a more practical profession. She finishes Finance Department and immediately found a great job in the investment firm. Now her student debt has reached $ 65 thousand., But it will not have any particular problems of his pay.

Latishy History demonstrates that there is no simple answer to the question of whether higher education. Some diplomas justify invested in them heavily, some not. Many American high school students now contemplating whether to take huge credit for a university degree, which, as they always say, is a ticket to the good life of the middle class.

On the other hand, President Obama has recently stated that "it is possible to earn a lot more," a working specialty, "than with a university degree in art history." The angry professor of art history demanded that the head of the White House an apology, but many disagree with the president.

Young people with higher education aged 25 to 32 years earn on average $ 17,500 per year more than their peers, but in which only a diploma from the high school, according to a study Pew Research Centre. But given that every year four training full-time prestigious university costs about $ 60 thousand., It is much more practical, instead of study in high school to start work in 18 years.

The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?
The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?

PayScale Research Company conducted a survey of more than 900 graduates of American universities, asking them about education and current earnings. Based on the responses the rating of the most promising fields. Engineering (engineering) tops the list of PayScale. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in engineering for almost $ 1.1 million richer than 20 years after graduation than those who never went to university.

With regard to the humanities, they have a rather mixed results. The holder of a diploma in art history (arts) or the prestigious Columbia University of California receives a higher salary. But the graduate of the same department, but the University of Kentucky and Murray, 20 years old receive a $ 147 thousand. Less than his age with the school-leaving examination.

From 153 Humanities 46 have a smaller return than twenty-year Treasury bonds and 18 he even below zero. Thus, the results of the study PayScale question the financial viability of higher education. It should be added that the cost of tuition at the University has grown five times faster than inflation since 1983, and the salary of college graduates over the past decade has not changed.

The average student debt now so great that it prevents young people to buy a house, start a business or have children. Those who have received a bachelor's degree in 2012, what took a student loan, now have an average of $ 29 400. The non-profit organization The Project on Student Debt claims that 15% of borrowers declare bankruptcy in the first three years after the start of repayment .

It does not facilitate the situation and rather tense situation on the labor market. In a study of the consulting firm McKinsey says that 42% of recent college graduates have a job that does not need a college degree. At the same time about 41% of graduates of the most prestigious universities in the US can not get in their profession.

According to the company Chegg Dan Rosenberg, only half of the graduates feel ready to work in their specialty, and 39% of managers believe that the recent students are not qualified for the position.

Graduates often can not clearly express their thoughts and rational use of their time. 4 million vacancies in the United States is not engaged due to a lack of qualified candidates.

It is believed that after a while the high-tech force universities to lower the cost and raise the quality of education.

Online education is becoming increasingly popular. In 2012, 6.7 million students were listening to on the internet for at least one course. This form of teaching allows students to have access to the best lectures without accommodation in expensive hostels. Of course, this will not replace the traditional universities: the personal touch of the student and the teacher is very important, but the university will have to adapt to new realities. Those who offer poor quality of a lot of money, change or disappear.


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