Tuesday 26 May 2015

3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs

Surprisingly, in most cases, when we start to analyze a person's potential in the labor market,   We come to key competences, skills, attitudes on the current place of work. 

As soon as the session direction of career development are defined (this is a different story), and objectives formulated, it becomes obvious   Head of deficits that can and should be compensated here and now at the current position. 

The favorable situation are those who are thinking about their future career, not leaving the labor market. They can do the job on the bugs and change the pattern of behavior in real work situations difficult for those who find themselves between two stools.   We have modeled their new efficient behavior, with no certainty that   will act differently in a   a new problem (which is always - stress).   

Three tips for those who are trying to understand yourself in the ranks: 

  • Make your career path reflection regular procedure. Expand the circle   Experts, which you drive to it. Do not limit the annual session of the feedback from their employer. Occasionally met with   industry peers, friends from other industries, and career consultants.

  • Secure in his career development plan for 3-5 years, identify key points - the industry, the level of the position, the functional scope of the organization. Periodically check with the plan, adjust and update its list of your strengths and development areas. 

3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs
3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs

  • Particular attention was given its current position. Once you have the idea of "work somewhere better and pay more"   without delay,   Assess their effectiveness. Attract resources within the company, carry out some kind of assessment 360. Request feedback from your head (can be veiled, so as not to worry the authorities). Complete assessment consultants. After that vote, on what he heard from you is to work, and that in no way moves you forward.  

A key issue which should be avoided - leaving   of the outstanding issues at the current position in the search for non-existent work, where everything is the way you want.


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