Tuesday 9 June 2015

How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself

In a perfect fairy-tale world, we find no problem pleasing our job without any problems to get a new job. We call us the right amount of money and we have no problem appoint a salary. Unfortunately, life is not so, and for a place in the sun have to fight.

In this text, we will tell you how very profitable to sell yourself before the interview.

Draw attention of a recruiter will help outrageous and / or punctuality.

If you speak the language of psychology, there are two basic ways to draw people's attention on anything - catching and matching his expectations. Indeed, the first thing we notice, or something very bright, or what really corresponds with our expectations. 

Every day the recruiter scans hundreds or maybe even thousands of resumes and cover letters. If you - quite expensive specialists and can afford some shocking, I recommend going to the first path. That is the way catching. For example, if you like the vacancy senior financial analyst, then your cover letter and resume should be labeled, such as "The Wizard of financial analysis." Attention guaranteed pay. 

But that's the way it is expensive for a specialist who can afford to light trolling conservative banking structures. 

If you - it's just you, you still should choose the second path - matching expectations. Job title, usually formed very specific - for example, "browser market dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies." However, many applicants openly lazy to create a resume and cover letter for a particular position and call it a "journalist" or at best "medical journalist." Calling your resume and cover letter correctly, you are guaranteed to attract the attention of a headhunter, to seek out the right people for key words in the title. Plus, you show the recruiter that you care and attention to detail man. 

Why not create outrageous steep resume? This can be done with us . 

Make a recruiter in your values ​​will use headhunters familiar concepts and names. 

Scientifically proven: the easier it is something present, the more likely it seems that event. Employees of Staff - ordinary people, not unlike us.When they study your resume and see there some clear and familiar things, they believe it is much more likely. "What nonsense, this firm can be reached only after the MGU or MGIMO" - so one of my friends reacted when he saw the little-known in the summary of the applicant university, standing next to a prestigious job in the office. 

But do not despair if you do suddenly went to a little-known institution, and (for the complexity of the problem) do not work in large companies whose names are on the ear. Use the halo effect is to add value to itself as a competitor. For example, if you are in the study had to speak at a conference at MGIMO - definitely check this fact. If your little-known company has worked closely with large state holdings - tell us about it. Faced with the familiar and understandable names, recruiters relax and believe in you. 

How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself
How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself

Request a salary higher than the market will help you use anchors in the form of inflated amounts. 

Scientifically proven fact - when we try to assess the value of an object, we always start from some initial set of numbers ("anchor") and correct them in the future. Imagine a situation - you have successfully passed the interview and they ask you how much you are worth. If you type the audacity to specify the amount several times higher than your value, then further negotiations will go on adjusting this amount up or down. For example, if you request 100 K per month (prepared in the same place 40), there is a high probability that the result will be assigned amount in the region of 80-90 C. If you really like it if the company has any extra money if you do not They named their wages from the previous job. 

By the way, if you "skromnyashka" and can not crank out such a focus, then there is an easier option. Try to mention the anchor figure in the text accompanying letter, preferably several times. You can even regardless of money. For example, say that for the time you have implemented about 100 projects and spent about 100 presentations. The beauty lies in the fact that the consciousness of your interlocutor still tune to the number 100, and he starts to figure your reward, starting from this figure. 

But I personally still would not have to rely on tricks with the unconscious and announced directly to that amount. 

Knowing these little psychological techniques will increase your chance of being in the company of your dreams, with a salary of your dreams. These technologies will allow you to truly meticulously choose their place of work and open the door to actually kick.


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