Sunday 31 May 2015

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

Week, month, year - job search after graduation may be delayed. DW tells how to spend this time for the benefit of future career. And for myself.

Search jobs after graduation often delayed and instead of the expected two or three weeks, takes many months. Every day self-esteem drops lower and lower, and the only entertainment is becoming every minute checking email while waiting for news from the prospective employer. But this time can be carried out much more efficiently, to the benefit for future careers as well as for himself.

Time to act :

Of course, the most important during the job search - to find work. And do it actively. We woke up - and more! Read the ads in the newspapers, look for suitable offers on the sites of employment, going to job fairs, interested friends have not cleared a place in their company ...

"But to do this for eight hours a day, sending their documents to all companies in a row, it would be too much. It is better to concentrate on the job that you really interested in, and devote more time to each application," adjusting "it for a specific position and the company" - convinced Lucas Grosse Klёnne (Lukas große Klönne), chief editor of the blog on the topic of career online employment exchange

Those in search of work has to take part are advised to contact an expert it is possible with the area that you would like to devote myself in the future. "You can get in a call center, work on specialized fairs in the office. So you not only get hands-on experience, but also to meet new people. And it is very important. Through the direct contacts and the recommendation of friends in Germany, for example, is in the middle every second job ", - explained Lucas Grosse Klёnne in an interview with DW.

Will fill a forced pause and volunteering, I'm sure Ilka Bucher (Ilka Buecher), head of the Career Center of the University Luneburg. Money volunteering, of course, does not work, but the decoration of the resume becomes clear. Jobs in nursing homes, care for children, support large families ... These facts of your biography and say to the employer: a "soft skills" - the ability to communicate, work in a team - everything is in order. In addition, voluntary work brings a great moral satisfaction. And with faith in themselves and find a job much easier.

My e "i"

Time for dinner ... And do not look at whether your favorite social network? Not for fun. "What is the impression formed about you of a man who" zaguglit "your name? It is important that you have been presented on the Internet in a good light," - emphasizes Lucas Grosse Klёnne. Instead photo corona dance on a table with a Christmas party is to post information about the university, and their specialty areas of practice. It makes sense to have a profile on professional social networks, for example, Xing or LinkedIn. Ask the professor "post it" for you a brief description, at least in a couple of sentences, and the head of the practice - to describe your accomplishments.

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life
Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

If you - a representative of the creative profession, spend time trying to make your own website and publish their work there. I can not wait to share my thoughts about the future profession? Start a blog to describe their ideas, comment on the news on topics of interest to you. At a minimum, these things will convince personnel officers that you are familiar with the computer. At most, they are interested in the information you provide. This means that a call with an invitation to an interview does not have to wait too long.

Tighten the knowledge and self-esteem :

That evening: the time to indulge in pleasant memories ... for example, how in school you studied French for three years, and the university went to the Polish elective. Then why not enroll in a language course or a refresher? Additional foreign language will improve your chances of employment. No language skills? Go to the workshop, become a volunteer at the university. Do not forget to regularly update the resume.

However, if the job was delayed, the problem may be not so much an excess of time as a loss of faith in yourself. "Of course, it discourages, if you sent 20 applications and have not received any positive response," - says Lucas Grosse Klёnne. What to do? "Enjoy life! Make things which had never got around: get right, learn to play the guitar. This will help distract and recharge your batteries - suggests the expert. - In the end, when you start working, you will live on the holiday before the holiday . So now you can even afford to go somewhere for a couple of weeks. "

In turn, Ilka Bucher is confident that if you want you can go on all six months. What if the interview take an interest in space Months of resume? "Tell me, what have dreamed about this trip a lifetime and made efforts to fulfill the dream, when the opportunity presented itself. It will describe you as a person who set goals and achieve them," - she said.


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