Friday 15 May 2015

Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring

Be honest. Often it seems a waste of time the final part of an interview for employment where the employer asks if some questions for him. Indeed, often, if applicants and enjoy this opportunity, then they are interested in something immaterial.

However, this is a great opportunity that has a lot to clear up. Below are five questions to the applicant, who can pick it up in the eyes of the employer and to help future career.

What result do you expect from me in the next 60-90 days?

Great candidates want to immediately get down to business. They do not want to spend weeks or months on "familiarity with the organization." They want to change the situation immediately.

What are the common features have your best top managers?

Good candidates are aimed at long-term and successful work. Each organization is distinguished by its climate and values, and it is important to understand the key qualities of the most successful employees.

Perhaps the best employees work the longest. Perhaps creative discovery in the company valued higher than methodology. It is possible that the constant search for new customers in new markets the company is more important than maintaining a long-running relationship with old customers. Perhaps the company is willing to spend time and resources on education beginners to to coach them technologically.

Good candidates want to understand whether they are fit to work, and if suitable, they want to show the best results.

Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring
Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring

What are some factors that are fundamental to the success of your company?

The company invests in its staff, and each employee must make a positive contribution, which will pay his salary. For each position there are different kinds of activity. The employer needs to close the gap, but it also needs a candidate that will bring more money and training that will not cost much.

Good candidates want to know exactly how they can make a profit. They know that the company's success also means success for them personally.

The employees do in their spare time?

Happy workers: 1) love what they do; 2) feels sympathy for the people they work with.

Of course, the company can not guarantee you all this. But to try to test the waters is, as usual with good candidates have to choose from.

How do you plan to deal with ...?

Every company is faced with serious challenges: changes in technology and the market entry of competitors, changing economic trends ...

The applicant considers the position as a stepping stone in his own career, which means that he believes in the growth and development of the company. And if he does not rule out leaving the company in the future, he prefers that to happen as a result of his own initiative and not as a result of the bankruptcy of the company or layoffs.

Let's say you walk into an interview with a sports network, which offers competitors store the other day less than a kilometer. As the company is planning to compete? Or, in the case of the farm business, the company is going to do in connection with the increase in world food prices?

Good candidates want to know not only what the prospective employer thinks about it, they want to know what he intends to do and how they can help the execution of these plans.


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