Sunday 17 May 2015

10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips

Gillian Rwanda, general manager and vice president of the American magazine Lucky, gave 10 tips that should help career. Earlier, Rwanda was the top manager in the Condé Nast, Lancôme and Yves Saint Laurent.

1. Learn from a bad head:

Sooner or later you will have to work under poor leadership. "It's important to examine the head of the poor, in order to never repeat its mistakes when they themselves become manager" - advises Rwanda.

2. Many work:

At the beginning of her career she was upset because of the fact that banking career peers chose to work less than she, but received a salary much higher. "I worked from morning till night, and even more," - says the vice-president of the magazine Lucky. At the same time, Rwanda thankful for the hard work, because thanks to him, it has become more purposeful person.

3. Be humble:

No matter how dirty and unpleasant job was not, follow it with a smile. "Of course, should not be performed stupidity or endure humiliation. However, if you are asked to bring a cup of coffee - bring. It's not much of that, but for that you get a lot more ", - she says.

4. Not all, what you touch, turns into gold:

Although Rwanda has achieved significant success in their careers, were she and failures. "Sometimes it's easier to learn on what is collapsing and is not under control," - she said. It is necessary to carefully analyze all the mistakes and try to avoid them in the future.

5. You can still grow:

Despite the failures, you can still succeed in his career. "I have heard from many people - mostly from women - that failure to help them succeed," - said Rwanda.

10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips
10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips

6. age discrimination:

As you move up the career ladder you have to manage people who are older than you. "If you treat them with respect, then you will never have problems. However, if you look at them with disdain, then you will fail "- sure Rwanda.

7. Do not get used to a very comfortable life:

Although Rwanda has grown as an expat, for it was difficult to move in the United States. She worked hard and tried to meet representatives of different cultures. In her opinion, it is extremely important not to get used to a comfortable life too and try to excite yourself.

8. Do not spit into the well:

While working in Rwanda Yves Saint Laurent company bought her former employer - L'Oréal. Due to the fact that she was not cursing, left the French cosmetics giant, it has kept a job after the merger. "Do not spit in the well - handy water to drink," - says Rwanda.

9. Do not be afraid to speak directly to potential problems:

When Rwanda was offered a job in the marketing department of US Lancôme, to its positive response she refused three times. At the time she was two year old child, and she was pregnant. She was afraid that because of a new job, she will not be able to spend enough time with your family. Her openness to a future employer about the possible problems was rewarded, and she got a convenient schedule.

10. Never take a decision alone:

When you need to take a very important decision, never do it alone. Talk to your friends, family members or someone from the closest environment. Your friends, colleagues and family know you like no other. "My husband is not only my favorite person, but also the best ally. At the same time I do not advise those who do not trust ", - concludes Rwanda.


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