Friday, 27 February 2015

Careers For "Silent": Tips Introverts Best Advisor

People love to give advice about everything and most of all, you have managed to get a lot of advice about your career. Among them there are definitely those that are better to skip past the ears.

Here Are Five Tips That Should Be Ignored:

Do Not Hesitate To Ask For A Raise:

The conventional wisdom is that you do not get a promotion or a raise, if you do not ask about it. On the other hand, managing partner People Polski Lawrence believes that the right to ask is not necessary, and even during the provision of the annual report. Emphasize their leadership actions, not words.

"Examine your business inside and out until you get together with your team results that your boss can not help but notice, and keep the workplace as much as possible a positive, friendly and businesslike atmosphere, - he advises. - And when you need a new leader, his place will invite you. If you want to be upgraded to a managerial position, but I think that the current employer a similar way to the top is not possible, it is better to look for a similar position in another company. 

Careers For "Silent": Tips Introverts Best Advisor

In Compiling The Summary Be Brief:

You may have heard that the resume should fit on one page, but the head of HR Expert Institute Michael Morgenstern disagrees. "Your resume must demonstrate why you - the optimal candidate for the proposed position. If you have a wealth of experience, do not sacrifice your own information about skills, talents and professional competence in order to squeeze in a one-page resume. Your resume should be tailored to the specific job you are interested in, and a description of each of the places where you have worked, should highlight your strengths, you will be able to demonstrate his new position, "- he said.

Carefully Written Resume - The Key To Employability:

Expert on market strategy Kyle Sexton believes that the summary is necessary first of all in order to receive an invitation for an interview. "It is not necessary to present the information in a chronological resume to mention all the places where you have worked," - he advises.

"Your resume - marketing tool - he explains. - Take advantage of them - as well as the telephone - to you are invited for an interview. Work will help you get your attitude and behavior during the interview, not a resume. Ability to see the differences between the various stages of the recruitment process is very important in order to create an efficient tool to achieve the purpose for which it was intended. "

Write A Thank You Letter After The Interview:

Business coach Bettina Seidman agrees that an employer, written in the wake of the interview - a good idea, but it is a thank-you should not be. "Send a reminder letter, which demonstrates why you - the ideal candidate - she says. - Your letter should answer the questions aloud or implied question: "Why should we choose you? '."
Careers For Silent Tips Introverts Best Advisor 1
Careers For Silent Tips Introverts Best Advisor

Follow The Call Of The Heart:

"This is the most serious error," - says Heidi Nazarudin , a former top manager, and now - a blogger, writing about the career and style. In fact, some have a whole lot of favorite things, and yet there are those who have not yet found a personal heart. "Sometimes favorite thing is unable to be a reliable source of income. Wise to ask yourself: "What I see your own life?", "- She says.

For example, Heidi Nazarudin recognized that despite the fact that she has a good sense of the frame, she always knew that becoming a successful photographer it will not be easy. "Instead, I became the manager of the investment bank, and the photo takes on weekends - she said. - A successful career employee of the bank allows me to do what they love and live the way I want. "


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