Sunday 31 May 2015

Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?

May 14 in Russia are celebrating the Day freelancer. Freedom of creation or the beginning of a new slavery - what are the prospects for such a specialist?

May 14 in Russia are celebrating the Day freelancer. It can be called a symbol of free creativity. For freelancers there are no national boundaries. However, the bright future of such specialists clouds "work in the clouds" - Cloudworking.

Let us look to the future

2020. Single, with poor health and not seeing daylight freelancer talks about the difficulties of his work. His profession is now called Cloudworker. Specialty - a software developer. For orders he has to fight with his only friends, they are the same - the virtual enemies, as claimed by his work.

Blame the major concerns that gave rise to a new stage of enslavement of the workers. Instead of permanent staff are increasingly began to use the services of freelancers, placing their orders online. And those, in turn, hurrying to beat the competition, began to carry out the work for meager sums. Instead of 8,000 euros for the project began to receive 300 programmer.

So bleak prospects imagine a German trade union Ver.di freelancers in the video. And there are no collective agreements, the right to leave, employer social security contributions, a good pension, - all this poor freelancer deprived forever. However, on this sour note interrupts the narrative, and the voice-over says that all of this can still be prevented.

The yield on the German market:

Freelancing as a form of employment has both fans and ardent critics. The World Wide Web for freelancers do not respect national boundaries. Mark decides to qualification. "Personality and business idea," - adds Karin Muller (Karin Müller). The representative of German unification Freelancer International said that a member of this alliance could be anyone. Today, about 10 percent of its participants - freelancers from abroad. There is also a web designer from Ukraine.

The yield on the German and, of course, the global market for web designers offers a platform, the largest online marketplace for graphic design professionals. This platform connects customers with the performer. And here I must say, the video part of the German trade union becomes a reality. The company places its order and received offers from several designers, and then chooses a winner.

One of the main conditions for a freelancer in Germany - the existence of a business plan. "Everyone who is in our association must submit its business model to share their knowledge and skills" - says Karin Mueller. Annual membership Freelancer International costs 84 euros and 30 euros - an initial payment. 

Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?
Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?

It provides a network of contacts, which greatly facilitates the life of a freelancer. "For example, if you need to create your own page on the Internet, you can seek the advice of our experts, which will help to take into account all the requirements of the German market", - said the representative Freelancer International.

Where does free work:

Before the gloomy scenario of trade union Ver.di has obviously far. At least the major concerns are in no hurry to move the services of freelancers. When in 2012 the American concern IBM announced large-scale job cuts and their desire to attract more outside developers, the public was outraged. IBM had to partially change their plans. More followers of his original idea and was not found.

But for small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly becoming a freelancer lifesaver. Besides notes Karin Mueller, a freelancer for many - still a transitional stage on the way to the individual business. "Some freelancers develop into a business, others return to work on the contract," - sums up the German expert.

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

Week, month, year - job search after graduation may be delayed. DW tells how to spend this time for the benefit of future career. And for myself.

Search jobs after graduation often delayed and instead of the expected two or three weeks, takes many months. Every day self-esteem drops lower and lower, and the only entertainment is becoming every minute checking email while waiting for news from the prospective employer. But this time can be carried out much more efficiently, to the benefit for future careers as well as for himself.

Time to act :

Of course, the most important during the job search - to find work. And do it actively. We woke up - and more! Read the ads in the newspapers, look for suitable offers on the sites of employment, going to job fairs, interested friends have not cleared a place in their company ...

"But to do this for eight hours a day, sending their documents to all companies in a row, it would be too much. It is better to concentrate on the job that you really interested in, and devote more time to each application," adjusting "it for a specific position and the company" - convinced Lucas Grosse Klёnne (Lukas große Klönne), chief editor of the blog on the topic of career online employment exchange

Those in search of work has to take part are advised to contact an expert it is possible with the area that you would like to devote myself in the future. "You can get in a call center, work on specialized fairs in the office. So you not only get hands-on experience, but also to meet new people. And it is very important. Through the direct contacts and the recommendation of friends in Germany, for example, is in the middle every second job ", - explained Lucas Grosse Klёnne in an interview with DW.

Will fill a forced pause and volunteering, I'm sure Ilka Bucher (Ilka Buecher), head of the Career Center of the University Luneburg. Money volunteering, of course, does not work, but the decoration of the resume becomes clear. Jobs in nursing homes, care for children, support large families ... These facts of your biography and say to the employer: a "soft skills" - the ability to communicate, work in a team - everything is in order. In addition, voluntary work brings a great moral satisfaction. And with faith in themselves and find a job much easier.

My e "i"

Time for dinner ... And do not look at whether your favorite social network? Not for fun. "What is the impression formed about you of a man who" zaguglit "your name? It is important that you have been presented on the Internet in a good light," - emphasizes Lucas Grosse Klёnne. Instead photo corona dance on a table with a Christmas party is to post information about the university, and their specialty areas of practice. It makes sense to have a profile on professional social networks, for example, Xing or LinkedIn. Ask the professor "post it" for you a brief description, at least in a couple of sentences, and the head of the practice - to describe your accomplishments.

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life
Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

If you - a representative of the creative profession, spend time trying to make your own website and publish their work there. I can not wait to share my thoughts about the future profession? Start a blog to describe their ideas, comment on the news on topics of interest to you. At a minimum, these things will convince personnel officers that you are familiar with the computer. At most, they are interested in the information you provide. This means that a call with an invitation to an interview does not have to wait too long.

Tighten the knowledge and self-esteem :

That evening: the time to indulge in pleasant memories ... for example, how in school you studied French for three years, and the university went to the Polish elective. Then why not enroll in a language course or a refresher? Additional foreign language will improve your chances of employment. No language skills? Go to the workshop, become a volunteer at the university. Do not forget to regularly update the resume.

However, if the job was delayed, the problem may be not so much an excess of time as a loss of faith in yourself. "Of course, it discourages, if you sent 20 applications and have not received any positive response," - says Lucas Grosse Klёnne. What to do? "Enjoy life! Make things which had never got around: get right, learn to play the guitar. This will help distract and recharge your batteries - suggests the expert. - In the end, when you start working, you will live on the holiday before the holiday . So now you can even afford to go somewhere for a couple of weeks. "

In turn, Ilka Bucher is confident that if you want you can go on all six months. What if the interview take an interest in space Months of resume? "Tell me, what have dreamed about this trip a lifetime and made efforts to fulfill the dream, when the opportunity presented itself. It will describe you as a person who set goals and achieve them," - she said.

Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals

Major German cities have opened service centers that help foreigners when applying for a job in Germany. What they offer professionals from the CIS?

Solving the problem of shortage of staff, the large German cities have opened service centers that help foreigners when applying for a job in Germany. DW asked that it can offer specialists from the CIS.

Hamburg Welcome Center:

Every year in Hamburg from abroad come to 30,000 new residents. For many, the first address becomes the service center on the street Alter Wall, 11. It will assist in obtaining a visa or a "blue card" (the most popular services), will tell how to construct urban life, inform about the organizations involved in employment, as well as about where and how to look for housing and language courses.

The mooted around 20 thousand requests. "Applications from experts from Russia and Ukraine come regularly," - said the representative of the municipality DW Krumm Matthias (Matthias Krumm). 14 employees promise to respond within 72 hours. Personal meetings should be used for 10 days. Consultations are held in German and in English. Contact information - Center site:

Service-Center für Internationale Fachkräfte in Munich:

And in the Bavarian capital recently from foreign experts has a pilot. Service Center at the building of the city administration (Ruppertstraße, 19) is currently using 7000 people. 700 of them - from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. According to the director Shtrotman Sabina (Sabine Strotmann), most issues relate to obtain or extend the visa and formalities associated with the relocation of the family.

The center provides only advice, working closely with the Office for Foreigners and the Agency for Labour. His staff - 12 employees who speak eight languages, including - in Russian and Ukrainian. Requests are taken by e-mail: All the details - on site service.

Dresden Welcome Center:

The influx of professionals in need and "Florence on the Elbe". Carry them in a bureaucratic jungle is charged with seven employees of the service center in the Town Hall. Schweriner Straße, 1 - the address for those who need advice. "We deal with visa issues, we give practical tips, for example, about which school to send child relocation plan," - says the head of the center Eckert Doris (Doris Eckert).

Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals
Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals

In the circle of clients of the center - a few hundred people from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The working languages ​​here - German, English. Help provide telephone +49 035148 86051 or email: Preliminary information is available on the city website: . And the one who wants to work in the field of science and culture service of Dresden Concept (in the same building) to advise on the resume.

Welcome center Hessen Frankfurt am Main:

"Your chance of Hesse!" - Site service center does not give empty promises. In this federal land will be glad to new personnel in the technical industry, medicine and the field of care for the sick and elderly. While experts from the CIS Welcomecenter Hessen- rare visitors. In his address received requests from Azerbayzhdana, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine and Tajikistan.

"Most people are interested in vacancies, language schools and procedures for the recognition of diplomas. We will answer any questions and help you create a resume," - emphasizes Julia Sternberg employee (Julia Sternberg). Site service provides the first glimpse of the region. It also placed ads on the activities of foreigners: .

Welcome Center Thuringia in Erfurt:

In the historical building located at Willy-Brandt-Platz, 1 (opposite the station) and foreign specialists for those who want to receive professional education, will have a warm welcome. By 2025, Thüringen will be missed 280,000 personnel in industry and medicine. To solve the problem here Agency was established to attract professionals in charge of, and is the service center.

Today, five of its staff hold individual consultations and respond by e-mail all questions about school, work and life in Thuringia. Organized as a "hot" telephone line. The contact details and opening hours - on the site: .

Welcome Center Stuttgart

In the fall of 2014 began to receive visitors and a  service center in Stuttgart. This town, as well as the federal state of Baden-Württemberg as a whole, needs to be IT-personnel and technical specialists, in the field of child-rearing and care for the sick and elderly. Himself Baden-Wurttemberg - record for the number of Welcome Center: 10 from here! Customer service gives advice Stuttgart nine employees. One of the working languages ​​- Russian. Contact details are available on the website the center: .

North Rhine-Westphalia - in the tail:

Your service center is about to open, and North Rhine-Westphalia. Its employees have already been trained, only premises in Essen yet: its construction is delayed. Meanwhile, in the Ruhr area, in particular in Essen are many large enterprises like RWE, ThyssenKrupp, Evonik, which are in dire need of personnel with technical education and international experience.

Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization

WHO TOPOM WAS NOT, HE DID NOT SEE LIFE. Living in a big corporation is fundamentally different from the world of small or small companies. Those who are in the corporate world as an adult or after work experience in the service, project business, where everything is tied to the result, may experience serious difficulties in building a career.

Typically, the most difficult to account for those who by their facial features refers to the "doer" and not the "functionaries". First - this is the people for whom it is important to achieve real measurable results. They are like a fish in water feels in project selling and marketing divisions. They can ignore the bureaucratic barriers to the extent that it does not prevent the achievement of business objectives. "Functionaries" are easily adapted to the environment where the work is built around procedures, regulations, rules. For them, the hours of RAM are not the problem, on the contrary, participation in all events, one way or another reflect the processes, it is the work.

The top managers of the reach both of them, but with different energy consumption. The laborers have to adapt to the unusual pastime or a meaningless event. That ye workers often underestimate the importance of political processes in the company. They find it difficult to conduct multi-way talks within the company, to take into account the interests of different groups and wait until finally it will be possible to develop a simple work.

In my experience working in the corporate world and the experience of counseling usually I give the following advice to those who are in the corporate world for the first time, after work in the service of the company, or is an obvious doer of their profile. 

Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization
Tips For Building A Career In A Large Organization

1. Be prepared for the fact that at the crucial moment of your results will be judged not on the facts, figures, indicators, and by the fact that someone said something. Or that all your exploits at any time can be mitigated, if you make something on the brink of corporate traditions. For example, dismissing the old employee who sabotaged your work. Or, God forbid, a couple of these.

2. Never attribute all the laurels of victory. Correct head give the laurels to his team. A correct corporate players - part laurels always delegate colleagues at the same level of the hierarchy.

3. Immediately determine for themselves that the results of your work in a corporation - it's not just the turnover-profit-margin, cost-efficiency. It is your efforts to maintain the circuit in the safety organization and integrity. And that means - building constructive relationships with all the key people and maintaining them.
And the most intimate advice, do not print - no one believe.

Why A Career Is Not Built. Experience Advising Executive

Carried out in recent months, session to assess potential career leaders   It showed that many very difficult to form their own future in the profession.

Sales Director, self-filling questionnaire career potential, commented "The question about the plans through   5 years was the most difficult. " In an open question "Describe   a person who is an example for you to build a career, "very few people respond. Not because of the people around there, and therefore,   it is difficult to understand someone Else's success in building a career. As well as its own way, another career   seen emerging spontaneously.

Another example. Note in the title Profile LI what you're looking for a job. On my advice is not to reduce their status and not to frighten recruiters such a statement, one of the   interlocutors on the tape said, "What about me, they will look, if I do not I find a job?".

This is the root of problems.   Many people think that   if you are a   source   needs work, this status will be   automatically attracted to you recruiters and employers. Like, once you put yourself in the status of "candidate", you are beginning to assume a mysterious light in which all flock.

Do not fly off. Do not expect. Not least because it is filtered Hedhantery contacts in social networks on the other filters - industry experience, the level of the position, education, achievements, and the like. For them, it is important that you at least something out of yourself   You represent, and that your accomplishments are reflected in specific words in your profile.

Ideally, you also know precisely what you want. Because in this case, your actions are attracting only those   hedhanterov and employers with whom the likelihood of mutual affection much higher. 

Why A Career Is Not Built. Experience Advising Executive
Why A Career Is Not Built. Experience Advising Executive

You, of course, You can bypass all hedhanterov and discuss with them himself and his past, hoping to find something interesting. You may have very valuable candidate. Suppose you are lucky enough to communicate with high-level professional who is ready to see in you the opportunity for themselves, sooner or later earn royalties for your employment. Then there's the chance that together with you to speculate aloud   on where you go.

But, most likely, will not be so, and in the agency's database will comment against your name, you do not know what you want, and it is not interesting candidate.

Nobody but you is not interested in to make your future happen exactly in the form in which you think he is. Or at least near approximation. Creating an image of a professional future - it is difficult, but important.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present

The client on the results   career counseling , noticed that he was looking at the new situation at work. In principle, the other position - no where to go, and how to develop in a broader sense than just a discussion of the existing duties. 

In half of the cases during the discussion with the heads of the query "where, when and how to leave"   we come to a discussion of how to make new achievements in the current job. 

This reversal does not occur immediately. As a rule, leaders who conspired to escape from the company came to the decision for a reason.   People are experienced, not the first time come and go, have seen different managers can compare, understand the market   Labor easily find 10 differences between the companies in the industry.   Render a report that there is a well where we are not. Understand the risks, particularly in the current economic situation.   It would seem,   You can focus on the analysis of vacancies in the market,   methods of their position and not go into details. 

All would have been, if not for the experience of watching the ups and downs of the heads of all sizes and at different levels. The two do not always realize the strategy prevalent in the career managers - an escape from something and move on to some purpose. 

The strategy to target motion, indeed,   followed by an analysis of the prospects in terms of the labor market and the opportunities to get the best of available opportunities. 

A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present
A New Look At The Head Of The Past And Present

Strategy escape   by ... (the head, title, neighbor in the office, korpkultury, motivation system, etc..) is not immediately obvious. As a rule, it is covered with good wording.   Because the internal causes and possible consequences of the internal   not always available for reflection and awareness and, more   all painted with negative feelings. 

A key symptom   - The presence or absence of feelings of success at a time when you   thinking   about changing jobs. If you are not sure what is now (or at all in the recent past), you - the hero, it is better to spend time evaluating themselves, their achievements and their strengths and weaknesses.   Find or invisible and non-obvious feats in the past or plan their commission in the near future. In fact, to change the focus from what you have under your feet to focus on the horizon. 

Better, of course, his own portrait with the help of an external expert to draw, so as not to discriminate happened. But to start is also possible, after all the leaders are those who initially inclined to reflection.

Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul

We begin to discuss with anyone my new practice of career counseling, then the question arises - and often does happen that a person all his life was an accountant, and then dropped everything and decided to become a writer? There is the view that analysis of his career only needs to put a full stop on all his experiences and go in the perpendicular direction. 

Quite the opposite. The analysis of the way is necessary, so as not to deviate from the straight line of the career. Because it is the shortest way to the finish line as well. then the least expensive and most clear in terms of the necessary. We talk with the leaders about career lines that have their origins in the past (education and the first years of operation). Experience shows that those who build their working path without deviating much from the line wins.

What are the most common errors committed restless soul.

1. All times are learning something new, thinking that the unknown will be more motivated to work than the already developed area of expertise. This is not about 2-3 basic education (though ideally, that they too were only a logical set) It's about the knowledge from many different areas, obtained in addition to them - training courses, training courses, seminars, courses again. And all the while different areas - the finance, the staff. The list in the summary in such cases is long, the eyes diverge.    And not only the man himself, but also for the employer. 

Win in the present circumstances, those who master and professional in their specialization, who has spent more than 10 thousand. Hours on mastering one subject and not rushed. 

2. Industry break. That's my problem formulated one of the leaders, who after 10 years of experience in the food industry happened to be among the engineers. In his case, the problem was not even in the industry, it was an attempt to become a great boss.   But he suffered a stress for more when he realized that his detailed knowledge of processes and technologies in this case, no one needs. 

Avoid throwing the industry. Viewing 2-3 branches - of variability is enough for a man 40-45 years. 

Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul
Common Mistakes People Make Career Restless Soul

3. Chaotic promotion hierarchical ladder. Many people underestimate the importance of the consistent development of management skills. If you are a department head jumped to the position of director of the department, bypassing intermediate position Head of Department,   highly probable that you are missing something in their competence.   This is an important and complex issue, analyze it in detail again and again. Another option is chaos in the area - go to another company to a lower level just because the pay is better and the grass is greener. 

The winners are those who, even if the pace has been steadily creeping up the turtle. Because it corresponds to the laws of nature - the older-wiser, more experienced, more responsible, wider horizon and better results, etc.

3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs

Surprisingly, in most cases, when we start to analyze a person's potential in the labor market,   We come to key competences, skills, attitudes on the current place of work. 

As soon as the session direction of career development are defined (this is a different story), and objectives formulated, it becomes obvious   Head of deficits that can and should be compensated here and now at the current position. 

The favorable situation are those who are thinking about their future career, not leaving the labor market. They can do the job on the bugs and change the pattern of behavior in real work situations difficult for those who find themselves between two stools.   We have modeled their new efficient behavior, with no certainty that   will act differently in a   a new problem (which is always - stress).   

Three tips for those who are trying to understand yourself in the ranks: 

  • Make your career path reflection regular procedure. Expand the circle   Experts, which you drive to it. Do not limit the annual session of the feedback from their employer. Occasionally met with   industry peers, friends from other industries, and career consultants.

  • Secure in his career development plan for 3-5 years, identify key points - the industry, the level of the position, the functional scope of the organization. Periodically check with the plan, adjust and update its list of your strengths and development areas. 

3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs
3 Tips To Think About Changing Jobs

  • Particular attention was given its current position. Once you have the idea of "work somewhere better and pay more"   without delay,   Assess their effectiveness. Attract resources within the company, carry out some kind of assessment 360. Request feedback from your head (can be veiled, so as not to worry the authorities). Complete assessment consultants. After that vote, on what he heard from you is to work, and that in no way moves you forward.  

A key issue which should be avoided - leaving   of the outstanding issues at the current position in the search for non-existent work, where everything is the way you want.

Summary As Your Portrait For Career

Personally, I very rarely have to write your resume. In all cases, it was a document that the employer needed to continue already initiated talks with me about a career. And it happened again in my life 5. But I remember how difficult it was to write a summary that, in fact, was to consolidate the already established image of your company.

Now, when I advise managers on career building, resume writing advice on occupied most of the work. It is not about that. make a summary of a detailed or less detailed. The idea is to draw a clear, logical picture of the career path of the head. First of all for himself.

One day my friend asked to treat it separately. It was a summary of the candidate to the level of Deputy General in a large company. Resume was very detailed, but it was not 1-2 ideas on what the candidates talented and she has spent 25 years of his working life. Once I asked a friend a couple of questions about the connections or no ambiguity in her qualification, I concluded that the friend did not bother to think in advance their professional history. The reply was, "I think it will take place ...." 

Summary As Your Portrait For Career
Summary As Your Portrait For Career
Reflect on the experience difficult to model its future is sometimes even harder, because the objectives are not formulated. But if you are in such a state, it is better not to go into the labor market. You think if you do not Hedhantery. the employer himself. And no one can give you a structured feedback, because the reaction will be at the level of feeling of sand in the shoe.

And all this in any case is not about the formatting of your document, but about understanding your past, present and future.

Saturday 23 May 2015

The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?

Is it worth getting a higher education? The answer to this question is not so simple. In most developed countries, higher education is paid, and the cost of training in some cases turns out to be simply too high and uneconomical.

Examples can be found in any country, but the problem of the relationship of the labor market and education, despite the strong economy, particularly pronounced in the United States. The British magazine The Economist wrote about the history of Latishi Siaylz who graduated from the University Kensou in Georgia in 2006, where the cost of tuition was $ 35 thousand.

Student debt would not be a serious financial burden if her diploma in "Spanish" helped her to find a paying job. But in America, bordering with Mexico has no shortage of Spanish-speaking employees and Latishe managed to get a fast food restaurant with a salary of $ 11 per hour.

Desperate, she decides to return to the same university and get a more practical profession. She finishes Finance Department and immediately found a great job in the investment firm. Now her student debt has reached $ 65 thousand., But it will not have any particular problems of his pay.

Latishy History demonstrates that there is no simple answer to the question of whether higher education. Some diplomas justify invested in them heavily, some not. Many American high school students now contemplating whether to take huge credit for a university degree, which, as they always say, is a ticket to the good life of the middle class.

On the other hand, President Obama has recently stated that "it is possible to earn a lot more," a working specialty, "than with a university degree in art history." The angry professor of art history demanded that the head of the White House an apology, but many disagree with the president.

Young people with higher education aged 25 to 32 years earn on average $ 17,500 per year more than their peers, but in which only a diploma from the high school, according to a study Pew Research Centre. But given that every year four training full-time prestigious university costs about $ 60 thousand., It is much more practical, instead of study in high school to start work in 18 years.

The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?
The US Will Remain Without Qualified Personnel?

PayScale Research Company conducted a survey of more than 900 graduates of American universities, asking them about education and current earnings. Based on the responses the rating of the most promising fields. Engineering (engineering) tops the list of PayScale. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in engineering for almost $ 1.1 million richer than 20 years after graduation than those who never went to university.

With regard to the humanities, they have a rather mixed results. The holder of a diploma in art history (arts) or the prestigious Columbia University of California receives a higher salary. But the graduate of the same department, but the University of Kentucky and Murray, 20 years old receive a $ 147 thousand. Less than his age with the school-leaving examination.

From 153 Humanities 46 have a smaller return than twenty-year Treasury bonds and 18 he even below zero. Thus, the results of the study PayScale question the financial viability of higher education. It should be added that the cost of tuition at the University has grown five times faster than inflation since 1983, and the salary of college graduates over the past decade has not changed.

The average student debt now so great that it prevents young people to buy a house, start a business or have children. Those who have received a bachelor's degree in 2012, what took a student loan, now have an average of $ 29 400. The non-profit organization The Project on Student Debt claims that 15% of borrowers declare bankruptcy in the first three years after the start of repayment .

It does not facilitate the situation and rather tense situation on the labor market. In a study of the consulting firm McKinsey says that 42% of recent college graduates have a job that does not need a college degree. At the same time about 41% of graduates of the most prestigious universities in the US can not get in their profession.

According to the company Chegg Dan Rosenberg, only half of the graduates feel ready to work in their specialty, and 39% of managers believe that the recent students are not qualified for the position.

Graduates often can not clearly express their thoughts and rational use of their time. 4 million vacancies in the United States is not engaged due to a lack of qualified candidates.

It is believed that after a while the high-tech force universities to lower the cost and raise the quality of education.

Online education is becoming increasingly popular. In 2012, 6.7 million students were listening to on the internet for at least one course. This form of teaching allows students to have access to the best lectures without accommodation in expensive hostels. Of course, this will not replace the traditional universities: the personal touch of the student and the teacher is very important, but the university will have to adapt to new realities. Those who offer poor quality of a lot of money, change or disappear.

25 Best Banks For Employment

In the world of finance work place is more important than the position. Traditional Rating investment group headed by Blackstone Group, in the state of which 1820 employees. Last year's leader - JP Morgan - turned out to be on the third line. - one of the most influential online resources in the field of career issues - unveiled its annual list of the best financial institutions for employment and training. The rankings take into account the agency's experts criteria such as overall company culture, employee satisfaction, the balance between work and personal life, training, salary and prestige.

Total number of employees: 2800
Headquarters: London

Total number of employees: 3800
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 580
Headquartered in New York City

25 Best Banks For Employment
25 Best Banks For Employment

Total number of employees: 287 839
Headquarters: Charlotte

Total number of employees: 101 694
Headquarters: Frankfurt


Total number of employees: 101 694
Headquarters: Frankfurt

Total number of employees: 910
Headquarters: Atlanta

Total number of employees: 571
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 145 100
Headquartered in Edinburgh

Total number of employees: 257 thousand.
Headquartered in New York City


Total number of employees: 6700
Headquartered in Toronto

№ 14. LAZARD
Total number of employees: 2466
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 2800
Headquarters: Milwaukee

Total number of employees: 1144
Headquartered in Chicago

Total number of employees: 71
Headquartered in New York City


Total number of employees: 48,700
Headquarters: Zurich

Total number of employees: 400
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 324
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 150
Headquartered in New York City


Total number of employees: 55,610
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 800
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 900
Headquarters: Los Angeles

Total number of employees: 240 thousand.
Headquartered in New York City

Total number of employees: 32,400
Headquartered in New York City


Total number of employees: 1820
Headquartered in New York City

Thursday 21 May 2015

7 Signs Of Readiness Of Employees To Improve

Which employees deserve a raise? This complex issue is very often to the head. According to experts The Daily Muse, in determining the best worker should pay attention to various aspects, including its relation to the profession, willingness to work overtime, and the desire to help colleagues. 

In addition, we should not forget that every increase would be an incentive not only for the individual employee, but also for all members of the team.

№ 1. They have excellent results:

The numbers should not be the main criterion for promotion, but they are very important. In addition, good statistics will help the manager to convince the higher authorities of the need for the employee's career. To secure the achievements you can use the table, which also shows a positive or negative trend.

№ 2. The working day does not end exactly at 17:00:

Of course, for the sake of the employees move up the career ladder should not be delayed on a daily basis in the workplace, and to give up lunch break. However, in determining the best team member employee willingness to stay after work or come in the output is a key factor. Pay attention to those who own offers to help work overtime.

№ 3. They not only complain, but also offer solutions:

All complain - employees, managers, and even, perhaps, CEO. However, it should pay attention not to those who never express their displeasure, and those who offer the following comments made solution.

7 Signs Of Readiness Of Employees To Improve
7 Signs Of Readiness Of Employees To Improve

№ 4. They want to share their knowledge:

Pay attention to those who offer assistance to new employees or are mentors. Willingness to share knowledge with colleagues - excellent confirmation of employee interest in the success of the department, division, and the entire company.

№ 5. They constantly learn something new:

See how your employees are looking for new information. Do they want to improve their skills in areas where there are very strong? Look for any new knowledge in their specialty, or simply rely on old experiences?

№ 6. They are waiting for an assessment of their work and do not take offense to criticism:

Not many employees enjoy the critical analysis of professional skills (such as from an annual appraisal). If you have a company there are people who want to hear the assessment of their work, while not resenting criticism, pay attention to them.

№ 7. They do not hide career ambitions:

Quite often, employees as if casually talk about wanting to get a raise. Much less when they ask the head of what you need to do to move up the career ladder. Pay attention to those who seek career and does not hide his professional ambitions.

Sunday 17 May 2015

10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips

Gillian Rwanda, general manager and vice president of the American magazine Lucky, gave 10 tips that should help career. Earlier, Rwanda was the top manager in the Condé Nast, Lancôme and Yves Saint Laurent.

1. Learn from a bad head:

Sooner or later you will have to work under poor leadership. "It's important to examine the head of the poor, in order to never repeat its mistakes when they themselves become manager" - advises Rwanda.

2. Many work:

At the beginning of her career she was upset because of the fact that banking career peers chose to work less than she, but received a salary much higher. "I worked from morning till night, and even more," - says the vice-president of the magazine Lucky. At the same time, Rwanda thankful for the hard work, because thanks to him, it has become more purposeful person.

3. Be humble:

No matter how dirty and unpleasant job was not, follow it with a smile. "Of course, should not be performed stupidity or endure humiliation. However, if you are asked to bring a cup of coffee - bring. It's not much of that, but for that you get a lot more ", - she says.

4. Not all, what you touch, turns into gold:

Although Rwanda has achieved significant success in their careers, were she and failures. "Sometimes it's easier to learn on what is collapsing and is not under control," - she said. It is necessary to carefully analyze all the mistakes and try to avoid them in the future.

5. You can still grow:

Despite the failures, you can still succeed in his career. "I have heard from many people - mostly from women - that failure to help them succeed," - said Rwanda.

10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips
10 Secrets Of Career Best Tips

6. age discrimination:

As you move up the career ladder you have to manage people who are older than you. "If you treat them with respect, then you will never have problems. However, if you look at them with disdain, then you will fail "- sure Rwanda.

7. Do not get used to a very comfortable life:

Although Rwanda has grown as an expat, for it was difficult to move in the United States. She worked hard and tried to meet representatives of different cultures. In her opinion, it is extremely important not to get used to a comfortable life too and try to excite yourself.

8. Do not spit into the well:

While working in Rwanda Yves Saint Laurent company bought her former employer - L'Oréal. Due to the fact that she was not cursing, left the French cosmetics giant, it has kept a job after the merger. "Do not spit in the well - handy water to drink," - says Rwanda.

9. Do not be afraid to speak directly to potential problems:

When Rwanda was offered a job in the marketing department of US Lancôme, to its positive response she refused three times. At the time she was two year old child, and she was pregnant. She was afraid that because of a new job, she will not be able to spend enough time with your family. Her openness to a future employer about the possible problems was rewarded, and she got a convenient schedule.

10. Never take a decision alone:

When you need to take a very important decision, never do it alone. Talk to your friends, family members or someone from the closest environment. Your friends, colleagues and family know you like no other. "My husband is not only my favorite person, but also the best ally. At the same time I do not advise those who do not trust ", - concludes Rwanda.

As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job?

In difficult economic times, many job seekers have to give up the old career ambitions, to lower the bar on wages and be prepared to work for lower positions. However, even here it may be difficult that employers are afraid to take too skilled people. How to convince them that you come?

"In my last job, I earned $ 100 thousand. Per year. After 9 months of unsuccessful job search I search among the lowest positions in the company where I can grow, - said in a letter of unemployed Americans. - When people ask me about my last salary, there is an awkward silence, and they tell me that they can not pay so much. "

The most difficult step in the job search - overcoming initial summary view, reports Business Insider. Of course, a well-written cover letter, and a proactive approach will help the applicant get the attention from the interests of his company. Despite the adjustment of expectations, a specialist recruitment will still be skeptical. But the situation can be brought under control, directly pointing to the lack of specific skills and a long break from work.

The applicant is more persuasive and attractive when openly points to its negative aspects. Confidence helps get the job done. 

As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job
As Overqualified Employee To Find A Job?

Try to be an employee of the personnel department open, positive and at the same time hard, "Dear Elena, thank you for the opportunity to meet with you today. I understand that I am somewhat atypical candidate for the vacant position, and I appreciate the opportunity to explain the reasons for my interest and how I can be useful to your company. "

It is very important before the interview to find an explanation why the company should hire a super majority of the employee. This will help avoid questions on this topic representative of the personnel department. Clearly explain what the pros (especially the experience, hard work and qualifications) will receive the company from taking you to work.

Careful preparation and help avoid awkward phrases like "we do not pay so much." Ideally, you should tell the personnel officer at the very beginning of the conversation that is not against the position that is lower than your previous one, and agree to not very high salary, "I understand that I will receive less than the previous work. I look forward to the same compensation as the candidate with the traditional training and limited experience. "

Is It Worth It To Sacrifice Personal Life For A Career?

Former CFO Erin Callan Lehman Brothers, which was one of the most powerful women on Wall Street before the death of the bank, wrote an article in really desperate The New York Times. Her column entitled "Is there life after work?" On the question of balancing career and personal life - a topic that has recently become very discussed.

Callan article in the newspaper was very personal. In her senior manager, who was a "forerunner" of Wall Street, bitterly regret that spent a crazy amount of hours on the job, putting his career above family, friends and her first husband.

Callan, who, having married a second time, think about the children, recognized that she would give birth to her, but at 47 years old is not easy.

After the bankruptcy of Lehman, it seems, has come to the realization that should not go to extremes in the work to become CFO. 

"I often wondered if I could achieve the position CFO, if it had not injected before losing momentum. Until recently, I thought that my increased focus on career was the most powerful component of my success. But I'm starting to realize that I was a bad bargain, trading a short position. I was talented, intelligent and energetic. You did not have to become so extreme. This approach to work also carries significant costs.

Is It Worth It To Sacrifice Personal Life For A Career
Is It Worth It To Sacrifice Personal Life For A Career?

I should not have been hanging on my BlackBerry after waking up to the last minute late at night waking. You did not have to eat most of the dishes, standing on my desk. There was no need to fly to a meeting in Europe instead of birthday celebrations. Now I think that would achieve the same position, giving his personal life more attention. None of the victims have not done, you can not get everything, but it would be more harmony. "

Only now recognized Callan, she begins to learn to manage your life.

Friday 15 May 2015

6 Features A Truly Dedicated Staff

Let us once and for all dispel doubts: dedication to the company has absolutely nothing to do with seniority, writes Business Insider.

Who is more true: An employee who has worked 20 years, which makes the required minimum, criticizes you and your company at work and in society, and often not very quietly destroys your decisions? Or an employee who works six months a friendly responds to your desire activities and injected as Pope Carlo every day to help you and your company to achieve the goals?

It depends on the experience, of course, but employers are often observed at the dedication of those who work in the company for six months. Dedicated employees work hard for their salaries and tend to the success of your company. They may one day leave, but while they are working for you, they are doing their best for the company and often put the interests of the company above their own. Their loyalty can be shown the most amazing way.

Here are six qualities especially dedicated employees:

1. They see you as a person:

Remember when you were in school and are faced with your teacher, for example, at the grocery store? It was an incredible confusion. The teacher should not have to exist outside of the school. You did not see your teacher as a man who was wearing shorts, make friends, he wore a T-shirt with the image of the group Grateful Dead and generally lived. Your teacher was not a man, he was a teacher.

Many employees see their superiors as well. This means that they do not see you as a person with dreams and hopes, fears and insecurities. You're not a man, you - the boss.

They see you as a person
They see you as a person

Especially dedicated staff overturn labor relations: they know that you want to help them to achieve professional and personal goals and what you want for them all the best, and they also want all the best to you both at work and in personal life. They see you as more than just a boss and treat you accordingly.

2. They tell you what you least want to hear:

They tell you what you least want to hear
They tell you what you least want to hear
As a rule, the larger the steps of the career ladder separates you from the person, the less likely that it will contradict you. For example, your employees can take another position or even tell you that you are wrong. Their immediate subordinates are far less likely to state a position, not similar to yours. And begin staff will build on the general opinion of the company, at least, when you - the listener.

Especially dedicated staff know that you most need to hear what you least like to hear what your ideas can not work, that your view is not true that you made a mistake. They will tell you if they know that you care about moving forward.

3. They will never criticize you in front of others:

"Criticize bosses" - is a game played by almost every employee, at least sometimes. (One of your employees are probably talking about you right now.) In part, they criticize you, because it's a way to let off steam, but mostly they do it because we all think, at least sometimes, that we can do a better job than the person to whom we are working.

They will never criticize you in front of others
They will never criticize you in front of others

Criticism, ridicule, irony - when you're at the helm, they are commonplace. They also gradually erode the respect that you have been deserved. Particularly dedicated employees understand this. They do not gossip, they do not scoff, they do not talk behind your back, they show respect for you, even when you are not there, and expect to receive an answer in the same.

4. They express their disagreement privately:

Disputes and disagreements helpful. Weigh the pros and cons of the decision, to find fault, to exchange views - every leader wants to hear what he or she thinks the team. This not only helps to understand it stimulates.

They express their disagreement privately
They express their disagreement privately

Loyal employees believe that they are free to share their opinions in the same way as you. In fact, they believe in what you want them to do it, because you and the company benefit from the honest exchange of different opinions and points of view. But once the decision was taken ...

5. They fully support your decision and you are in public:

They fully support your decision and you are in public
They fully support your decision and you are in public
Surely you have at least one meeting where one of the staff said, "Look, I do not think it is right to do, but I
was told that we were going to do it anyway. So let's at least try" . After this little speech anyone ever tried? Even when they do not agree with the decision, really dedicated staff are not trying to prove you wrong. They do everything possible to prove that you are right.

6. They tell you when they need to go:

Have you ever met a wonderful dedicated staff, which is not just an ordinary worker remarkable. Because of this, you want them to stay. You need them to stay.

They tell you when they need to go
They tell you when they need to go

However, sometimes they need to get away: for the best possibilities of another way of life, to work in a new field of activity or start their own business. But they also know that their departure will create a huge hole, so they say in advance to give you time to prepare.

Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring

Be honest. Often it seems a waste of time the final part of an interview for employment where the employer asks if some questions for him. Indeed, often, if applicants and enjoy this opportunity, then they are interested in something immaterial.

However, this is a great opportunity that has a lot to clear up. Below are five questions to the applicant, who can pick it up in the eyes of the employer and to help future career.

What result do you expect from me in the next 60-90 days?

Great candidates want to immediately get down to business. They do not want to spend weeks or months on "familiarity with the organization." They want to change the situation immediately.

What are the common features have your best top managers?

Good candidates are aimed at long-term and successful work. Each organization is distinguished by its climate and values, and it is important to understand the key qualities of the most successful employees.

Perhaps the best employees work the longest. Perhaps creative discovery in the company valued higher than methodology. It is possible that the constant search for new customers in new markets the company is more important than maintaining a long-running relationship with old customers. Perhaps the company is willing to spend time and resources on education beginners to to coach them technologically.

Good candidates want to understand whether they are fit to work, and if suitable, they want to show the best results.

Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring
Top 5 Questions To The Employer In Hiring

What are some factors that are fundamental to the success of your company?

The company invests in its staff, and each employee must make a positive contribution, which will pay his salary. For each position there are different kinds of activity. The employer needs to close the gap, but it also needs a candidate that will bring more money and training that will not cost much.

Good candidates want to know exactly how they can make a profit. They know that the company's success also means success for them personally.

The employees do in their spare time?

Happy workers: 1) love what they do; 2) feels sympathy for the people they work with.

Of course, the company can not guarantee you all this. But to try to test the waters is, as usual with good candidates have to choose from.

How do you plan to deal with ...?

Every company is faced with serious challenges: changes in technology and the market entry of competitors, changing economic trends ...

The applicant considers the position as a stepping stone in his own career, which means that he believes in the growth and development of the company. And if he does not rule out leaving the company in the future, he prefers that to happen as a result of his own initiative and not as a result of the bankruptcy of the company or layoffs.

Let's say you walk into an interview with a sports network, which offers competitors store the other day less than a kilometer. As the company is planning to compete? Or, in the case of the farm business, the company is going to do in connection with the increase in world food prices?

Good candidates want to know not only what the prospective employer thinks about it, they want to know what he intends to do and how they can help the execution of these plans.

Thursday 14 May 2015

The Secret To A Successful Applicant

During the search operation, much depends on whether we understand the very meaning of the job search - with his hand, and the meaning of the search an employee - the employer. Success comes to those candidates that are well understood and the interest and the interest of the employer.

How to behave correctly when applying for a job, these two interests reconciled?

So - first, How To Behave Incorrectly:

Employee - "Hello, I recently graduated from college, I have a diploma of manager. You do not need managers? And the family, a small child, we need money, and will not take the job. "
It is not difficult to guess what will be the response of the employer - "No, I do not need, we have no available positions, nothing can help you."

Many employees stereotype that the employer is the seller of jobs and workers - a buyer. And do not even buyers and asylum. They are going to get a job with a sense of complete dependence on the employer, with fear in his heart, 'take - do not take. " And all of it is similar to a request: "You just take me, and I ..."

Well, the employer starts to dig, to feel God.

And now, how to properly conduct.

Who understands this, he will never stand in queues for unemployment insurance. The secret lies in the fact that the seller is the employee and the employer on the contrary is the buyer! It is the employer needs workers! And that is what he is ready to pay money!

The Secret To A Successful Applicant
The Secret To A Successful Applicant

The employee has a certain knowledge, qualities, skills that he can profitably sell. That he should choose - to whom he sells his knowledge! And before you get a job, you need to clearly understand for themselves what kind of knowledge we want to sell?

Well, for us to have something to sell, we have to learn consciously. That is, learn what really useful in life. If we learn and realize that just hammered his head with nonsense, is it worth to study at all? Do not it be better to develop and bring to perfection the abilities that awarded us the nature? After all, if we develop what we like, it will certainly achieve excellence in this area, and therefore the "product" to be out of competition, and employers will have to run after us, not we them.

If a student "propinal noodle" at the institute, and then by hook by crook received a diploma, it is unlikely that he will find a job in their field. Now employers dream of getting such a worker, who immediately set about the work, not learning it again. And if you have no practical knowledge of what you're going to sell on the labor market?

Maybe better to sell something that you really have? In such a case, and you will look much more confident. Suppose the boy went on to triple deuce, skip class, but all the time fiddling with his motorcycle. And well it might this study? Can develop the knowledge mechanic? Then the work will be fun and will be a lot to offer in the labor market.

So, the key points that you should pay attention:

1. We are able to perform some work, and we know that these "skills" have a price.
2. By focusing on their employer's real knowledge and abilities and not on the fact that graduated, where studied.
3. Money for us is not the purpose of employment, (we are not unemployed). It is important for quality and this quality, we are ready to work. And works well!
4. It is better to speak directly to the chief of department. Only he knows what shots he needs.