Sunday 27 December 2015

Job Interview: Be Proactive And Show That You Really Want The Job

Is this a person who can bring us something? Interest in the job present, or this is a person disappearing out the door after a year or two in the job.

Be interested:

Questions as to whether you are sincere inter listed in the job, often come at the beginning of an interview. Seems you are not sufficiently motivated or interested, there is a strong probability that you are not selected. You must appear to be genuinely interested in the job. It involves good preparation as we've talked about earlier.

Be positive and long-term:

Is it a permanent job so it is important to give the impression that you intend to be a long period and has ambitions in the industry, position and company. You should not start talking about other jobs you've applied for (except if you are in the application process with similar jobs that can be an expression of that you really are motivated to work in ( position type). If there is a temporary position you are applying for, you might answer that it is what you want to get into a permanent position in the industry / company if it is possible eventually.

Job Interview: Be Proactive And Show That You Really Want The Job
Job Interview: Be Proactive And Show That You Really Want The Job

You should not start talking about that you really have plans to study further and take a master after a year in the job, but give love to express that you want about this eventually. Ask whether the company has plans where sponsoring employee education.

Ambitious but not overzealous:

Give the impression that you are ambitious, but not so ambitious that they interviewing you will feel like a threat. You must ensure that you do not appear as preachy.

20 Tips For Job Search And Career Success

Here are 15 essential tips to help you secure your dream job, and five tips from celebrities who help you succeed in your career.

In addition to thousands of job vacancies, offering on everything you need to know about the workplace, careers and job hunting - so you want to secure your dream job.

Here is some of what you will find help:

5 Tips For CV:

  1. Customize the resume to each position you are applying for. A general resume that do not show proper focus has greater odds of being rejected by employers
  2. Make a list of keywords that relate to the profession you are applying for, and using them actively in sentences describing your previous work experience.
  3. Do not exceed two pages. View the results and say exactly what want, but use as few words as possible to arrive at the point. Elaboration can do the job interview.
  4. Focus on concrete results to be noticed in the pile of resumes. Rams accomplishments and achievements you have accomplished in previous positions.
  5. Proofread! A recent perusal may actually be decisive. Spelling errors and typos in application and CV are employers biggest irritation.
20 Tips For Job Search And Career Success
20 Tips For Job Search And Career Success

5 Tips For Job Application:

  1. Do not start writing "I called," or "I am seeking the position." Instead: Smell started! Explain the first sentence why you are applying for the position.
  2. Instead of writing about what you've done, focus on the future - what will happen if they employ exactly you. Write about what you can bring.
  3. Match your skills with what the business needs. Pull off your skills and areas of knowledge that they will be most interested in.
  4. Steer clear of clichés and empty bragging. Words like innovative, motivated, results-oriented, dynamic and problem solver can get employers to shake his head.
  5. Get with why you are seeking a new job. For example: I have been five years in the same workplace and is now ready for new challenges.

5 Tips For Job Interview:

  1. Get used to hearing yourself talk about yourself. Get a friend to ask some critical questions, and visualize how the interviews are going to be.
  2. Do not talk condescending about former employer or workplace. It shows a lack of loyalty and puts you in a bad light.
  3. Show that you are a good listener. Sit up straight in your chair, hold your head up, make eye contact with the interviewer, and lean slightly forward.
  4. If you are nervous; Think rather that you're excited! When you are tense it means you get mentally ready for the job interview and that the body is tightened.
  5. Set your own questions at the end of the job interview. This signals that you are genuinely interested, and you get to show initiative and motivation to learn.

20 Tips For Job Search And Career Success
20 Tips For Job Search And Career Success 1

5 Career Tips From Celebs:

  1. Thomas Giertsen: Select career out of passion. That's what gets you up in the morning, and what makes you bothering to work all night.
  2. Richard Branson: You have to take chances. The brave may not live forever - but the cautious do not live at all!
  3. Bruce Dickinson: Learn the essence of one or two things. Do not learn a little about everything, it can all.
  4. Petter Stordalen: It's about daring to be different. Seagulls, make mistakes, "quit more often." That's how you learn to get better.
  5. Dex Carrington: Give a 360 ° "Kick You" to all who will stop you! As soon as I followed my passion, exploded the possibilities in all directions like a "Big Bang".

How To Cope Telephone Interview

Many companies use telephone interviews to screen out the stack when they have many applicants. Here you can read how you are best prepared should you ever be called.

A telephone interview is a much greater extent impersonal than a regular interview, there are many evaluation criteria that will disappear, and it makes the remaining more important. Telephone interview can be both an agreed interview to a specific time, or an unexpected request from your employer when you least expect it, it makes it even more important to be prepared.

1. Be well prepared:

Just as in an attendance interview, trades a telephone interview to give an impression of yourself and how well you fit the position the employer advertises. To get the better of the other competitors over the phone it pays therefore to have well prepared knowledge of how to present themselves, what the position requires, and your cv. Have you thought through these points when the phone rings, you will be better placed to deliver a secure, credible and interesting interview.

2. Presentation:

First impressions have a lot to say. Just like at a regular interview has the way you handle the introduction to the conversation effect on the overall impression of the interview. It can apply to anything from bad answering to how you answer the phone.

When the opportunity to show you the way through solid handshake, dress code and welcoming sight is gone, the degree of civility and openness more important. Think through how you meet ordinary phone calls from unknown / impromptu number, in situations where telephone interview comes without scheduled time is even more important to be aware of how to answer the call.

3. Establish contact:

To create a conversation that flows well is a feat in itself, and is largely a likeminded dialogue with the caller. Remember that at one telephone is why you are contacted because they wish to be "familiar" with you, on this basis, there is room to keep the interest of the call up; it is largely about you, and none know yourself better. Just do not forget to include the other party in the conversation.

4. Sell yourself:

Work interviewer all about showing off in a positive way and make your application attractive in the stack of qualified applicants. In the same way as in a paper application, it is therefore important to be aware what the specific position is looking for, and bring out your features that adapt these. It is important to "sell in" correctly; be honest to not overdo your personal characteristics. Although it may seem easier to come by exaggerated claims over the telephone, it is just as easy to test these in retrospect.

Selling itself is about real convincing the employer that is done best if one is well prepared, engaged and trusting.

How To Cope Telephone Interview
How To Cope Telephone Interview

5. Take notes:

If the interview is set to an agreed time, you may want to sit ready with pen and paper to jot down the main features of the call. Often when an interview is over, it is only fragments that are remembered, and to evaluate their own efforts in the aftermath it is useful to have an additional aid to remember what it was asked for, but also what you chose to respond. It may be valuable information for you to have a similar situation later.

6. Ask questions:

A labor interview is very much about the employee, but it is equally important to show that you are already interested in the position scope, and corporate workspaces. Early understanding of the workplace makes you a more attractive applicant, therefore leaves many interviews a room at the end of the conversation where the employee has the opportunity to bring other issues. Often one bit by surprise in such situations, and a good tip may be to ask questions along the way, do not wait until the end of the conversation.

Remember that this is also part of your communication abilities that employers want to test, and the more you know about the company you are applying for the job, the easier it is to give the impression that you want and is suitable for the position.

7. Know your resume:

The reason why precisely you have been called is the basis of the application you have submitted. Therefore, it assumes that you can respond quickly and convincingly to questions about individual items on your resume, both complementary and the more reprehensible. You may want to think through how the individual items appear in a larger context; is, for example. a logical connection between the employers you have had? Why did you choose that particular education did? What ambitions do you have now versus those you had a few years ago?

8. Keep the conversation going:

Embarrassing pauses in conversation may be uncomfortable in most settings, but in an interview situation it is essential that the employer does not get the impression that you do not have more to tell about yourself. Search for ways to establish something in common with the one you are called off, remember that man at the other end also is flesh and blood, and probably have long days with a number of such calls, make sure yours is the one that is remembered !

9. Exit polite:

Previously we encouraged to think through the presentation. But when you finally notice that the interview is on the wane, it is equally important to finish it properly. You may well excel that you hope to hear from them again, give a desire for a good day ahead or desire relevant luck with the other interviews. Remember that it is the overall impression from the conversation that matters at the interview, and when you almost have stood jumped out it is important to land with a real impact.

10. transcribing notes immediately:

Immediately after the interview is completed, you should bring up a computer and transcribing notes you have made during the interview. Abbreviations and haste twists will have little benefit to you at a later date if you do not care to make them into something readable. This can also be a useful way to evaluate the call while it is still fresh in the memory, and helps you to remember details from the better in retrospect.

Friday 25 December 2015

Take Hold Of Your Career! In 2016 New Year

Should I quit, or should I get the job? Have you had the thought often in the past, or do you think your people have been thinking? How do you know what your employees think about your job or career, so basically? And why "stalk" people to career guidance without the boss knowing it.

What's become of my job satisfaction, challenges my environment I dreamed, my vision for business purpose and meaning? Where it has taken way, what happened, what do I do now? This is no fun anymore and I want to have fun at work! However, maybe I am asking too much, maybe I should be more humble, be glad that I after all have a job. But the feeling is not good, the energy seeping out and I'm tired and little motivated. Maybe I should talk to the manager, it would have been nice, but is it a good idea then? Ugh, here there are many thoughts, it's me there is something wrong with or the job?

Why are an increasing number of people to career guidance, sneaking out, often with little guilty, and book career. Maybe you lose talented employees "totally unnecessary".

It is completely natural and perhaps even healthy to ask themselves from time to time. Maybe it "automatically" when one is fit stressed or tired. So, then, I want to ask you another question.

What question you need to ask to get the answer, "I will quit or be"? You hang with, here it can be a lot of information to collect, reflect little of it.

How satisfied are you and your staff - take the test!

Relations have "nurtured and maintained," it's something everyone knows. Culture must be built and takes time, it's something everyone knows. The communication must be clear, there is something ... etc. Yes, and so what, we do it? Indeed, when we are made aware of it, remember, so they like a "concerted effort" and the job is done. It is well here it might fail, we as leaders might not have a system, do not set the time, do not focus enough on how employees feel at work, including yourself. Are you thinking now that this I have the control, I've appraisals, we're talking together often, I ask how it goes. But what do you really know? Have you been surprised that a staff member has joined, totally unexpected? One should not be there, if one had "done the job".

Job in a new perspective

We often need to get help to put things in perspective, to get new ideas on things. We think that we have done, we get what we've got. Thus, new approaches may be useful in employee satisfaction and leadership satisfaction, yes, for both supposed to be satisfied for things to work. My experience as "external resource" in many companies, is that it is often the pattern that recurs, and that it sometimes takes new heads to create new ideas that lead to change. Simply look at work in a new perspective.

Would you be happier of the grass on the other side?

Many who come to me for career guidance has made ​​the exercise of changing company, but continues with the same duties, some several times too. However, they are not satisfied, and when it's time to take proper grip on his career. Perhaps all job outermost been avoided if the premise of continuing present. There is no point in worrying and wondering what might have been. Clarify issues. Learn to evaluate yourself and the organization you are, and learn how you can see that you have come as far as possible in one place. Will a job change for you to be a step up the career ladder, or will it prove to be a step to the side? Is the inboard or external causes? Your job is a dead end, or is it in yourself fault lies? Would a change in career make any difference in how you feel? What about further study, study guide?

Why stop people in the job?

A composite picture of course, and most know the causes. However, what we do is to talk about them and the consequences of them. Through research has reached the following main reasons.
  •     The workplace was not as expected
  •     It was the wrong match between job and person
  •     Too little coaching and feedback
  •     Too few opportunities for advancement and growth
  •     The feeling of not being acknowledged and appreciated
  •     Stress as a result of overtime and poor balance between the business / private
  •     Loss of confidence in management

Why do people in work - struggle to retain talented employees

We use at least one third of the day at work. Therefore satisfaction is very important and unhappiness a serious matter. What does it take for employees perform maximum and remain motivated? Here are some of the important elements that should be present for that we get enthusiastic employees who thrive. High internal motivated employees perform better even when they have positions and tasks that may not seem quite so exciting in the first place.

  1.   The ability to decide over important aspects of the job
  2.   Social support from supervisors and co-workers
  3.   Satisfaction with career, with opportunities for advancement within the organization
  4.   Culture of being and being in the job for as long as it is properly
  5.   Focus on work engagement, which represents positive feelings towards their job, instead of focussing on strains and negative reactions
  6.   Culture of focusing on positive working (instead of negative or weaknesses) of the individual coping
  7.   Highly motivated employees feel that their leaders strengthens their feeling of being competent in their job and encourages independence and development
  8.   Extensive collaboration with colleagues also seems a positive effect on the employees' intrinsic motivation

Are you engaged as a leader?

A new survey by the research firm Sirota Survey Intelligence shows that when the leaders are apathetic and uninspired, there are three times as likely that those employees are there.

Spin off

Research also shows that a working day with humor, dedication and absorption in activities makes us so happy and satisfied that we after work feel that better boyfriends, better problem solvers and at all more eager to create a good environment in the home. According to researchers, it is the sense of commitment and not workload or work time which gives us a profit.

Take the temperature again

The temperature of the culture, the commitment of management, on ...? Take the temperature of what is important for the individual, management and business. Finding core values ​​and career path for managers and employees. Develop awareness of career and what's important in order to thrive and be inspired at work. Both in terms of the individual's internal processes and environment needed to stay in business. It's about manager and employee satisfaction, the inner and outer processes.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

8 Questions That The Interviewer Wants To Hear

1.What you need to know about me in addition to the issue of employment has become an easy decision for you? 

It is a question of Dan Pickett, co-founder of Launch Academy. He argues that this question allows the employer to see that you are serious and willing to be honest. This is a great tactic and pleasant interviewer question. 

2. How do you think, how will change my responsibilities within the position for three years? 

Jared Brown, one of the founders Hubstaff, sure that this question shows the long-term interest of the applicant in this position. For such a person, you can count on. Growing up with his position - is the right strategy. 

3. What can I give up working here? 

You have to be brave enough to ask this question. If you can select it during an interview, you can ask and your customers. Avery Fisher, president Remedify, always waiting for someone dare and ask him about it. 

4. How do you imagine an ideal candidate and that I need to be like him? 

Phil Labuun, president Eyeflow Internet Marketing, says that anyone who conducts the interview is always a picture of the ideal candidate. This is an honest question. And it shows your interest. 

5. How did you get started? 

Show your interest in the experience, in the way of your head, CEO of, would be a good step. Personal approach to each - it's wonderful. Kukii Jain, CEO EVENTup, believes that such a question can change the course of the interview. 

8 Questions That The Interviewer Wants To Hear
8 Questions That The Interviewer Wants To Hear

6. That allows you not to sleep at night? 

Kofi Kankam, CEO, says about this issue as a demonstration of willingness to surrender to the full, up to the last hours of sleep. It is interesting and unusual. Why not? 

7. How do you see me in this position (your question)? 

Question from John Berkowitz, co-founder of Yodle. It demonstrates the applicant's interest and desire to speak frankly. 

8. How does the work, which I will carry to affect the mission of the company? 

Immediately evident that the applicant wants to be part of the team. And it serbezny argument. So he says and Dave Kerpen, CEO Likeable Local.

9 Free Tests For Career Guidance

So, today, we have collected for you free tests that will allow you to know yourself better, to understand what you really want, and in the professional advantage of deal. In all good self-knowledge.     

1. My Next Move O * NET Interests Profiler:

This test sponsor US Department of Labor. With it, you can easily get into that professionally interested you most like to develop your skills and where to go. The results are even allow you to search the position that corresponds to your level of training, your skills. All in one place and it is very convenient. 

2. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator:

Pay attention to the online version - only it's free! 

This is one of the most commonly used professional tests. You can find out more about where you'd better draw energy as you make decisions easier as you are more receptive to information. These are small steps toward self-knowledge will eventually lead to an understanding of your career orientation. 

3. offers several tests in order to help you find a perfect suitable career according to your type of personality. Evaluate your skills, interests, your values ​​- it is part of the free package. The remaining tests are paid, but maybe you enough for this. Forward! 

4. Pymetrics:

Pymetrics uses a few simple games to explore your ability to react and adapt to society. The results will show you your weaknesses and strengths that will help you on your way to your dream job search. 

5. The MAPP ™ Career Assessment Test:

Warning, this test is partly free. The MAPP test - this is one of the most detailed and efficient tests. You will receive a full report of your interest, will be able to distribute a reply to some questions. Freedom there are a lot! Learn about his relationship with the analyst, logic and linguistics. But not everything is free. 20 specialty areas - you will learn about your key qualities needed to work in each of them. In any case, even for free, you will get enough information here. Do not overpay! 

9 Free Tests For Career Guidance
9 Free Tests For Career Guidance

6. Strengths Career Test:

With this test you will check their own strengths. Learn about their abilities. Complex Systems and Visualization help just really overcome with the help of jobs tell you what your chances to once become a professional in a particular area. 

7. The Big Five Personality Test:

Learn more about how you actually work and communicate with people with this quick test. You can provide information about how you actually deal with tasks as you are disciplined, you are an introvert or extrovert, how to cope with stress at work. 

8. Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator:

This test will tell you which of the seven types according Enogramme do you feel about: enthusiast reformer, philosopher, assistant, individualist and so on. Understanding what type you concern, make it easier to find a common language with colleagues, as well as allow you to get to know your strengths and weaknesses. 

9. What Career Should You Actually Have?:

And the test of BuzzFeed may not give significant results in terms of psychology, but if during the working day you decided to conduct an experiment and very little time - start with this test.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

10 Ways To "Fill Up" Interview

There are a thousand ways to leave a negative impression on the first interview. We picked for you the most efficient.

Method # 1:

Come to the interview half an hour later and were not warned in advance about the delay. Even better come earlier and go for an hour in every open door, presented and remind yourself. Let the interviewer understand that you know his worth.

Method # 2:

Let you remember at first sight! Remember that meet on "their looks." Dress provocatively. Girl advise more cosmetics, toilet water and decorations. A young man - come in a tracksuit. Show that you exercise and follow healthy. To consolidate the effect runs in a tracksuit from home to office.

10 Ways To "Fill Up" Interview
10 Ways To "Fill Up" Interview

Method # 3:

During the interview, show interest to a prospective employer! First of all the interview ask what the company and that means an unfamiliar word in the title of the vacancy.

Method # 4:

Do not even think to take with a printed resume! Hint interviewer that it was supposed to take care of himself. Well, or any other secretary.

10 Ways To "Fill Up" Interview 2
10 Ways To "Fill Up" Interview 2

Method # 5:

During the interview, do not try to turn off the cell phone. Suddenly you call Mom! Family - is sacred, and for a job interview is not an obstacle to pay a conversation a few minutes. HR must assess you a family man. These people need a team! After talking with my mother, do not apologize to the specialist. Not at all!

Method # 6:

Embellish their accomplishments, stretching the truth about education and experience, come up with an amazing story of career path ... and then confuse the details of his story.

Method # 7:

Speak badly about past employers. Use the word "tyrant." Chief blame for their failures. Think cute lamb - it always works! Do you believe it!

Method # 8:

Behave arrogantly. Show that you need them more than they are to you. Become a leader in speaking, do not be afraid to interrupt the interviewer, he's here for you, do not forget about it!

Method # 9:

When my turn comes to your questions HR-specialist, first ask what you will pay, and how many months it will improve. Distinguished himself as a business man!

Method # 10:

End the interview before it will make the interviewer. Tell us what you have in front of several meetings and waiting for you elsewhere. Quickly say goodbye, say they are waiting for the call and are ready to start work on Monday. If you notice the face of HR puzzling - it means that he discouraged and fascinated! The fact hat. Keep it up!

How To Survive A Disastrous Interview Jobs

Every happens to us. And the interview - it's not exactly the most pleasant moment in life. This is a test for resistance. Sometimes, in the morning spilled coffee on his shirt, the bus left, but you forgot the purse at home and even to the same sat phone ... And if it coincided with the day of the interview? Wow! How to survive the day and hope for a miracle!

The degree of desperation # 1 // Before and during the interviews:

1. You're late:

Of course, it is bad and we hide it from you will not. But please, do not make excuses. It sounds like the school "my dog ​​ate the homework", "I did, but I forgot." Even worse is when you start to talk about it, what terrible traffic jams now and that many people on the subway. But another thing, if you had a good reason (sick children / relatives / urgently needed to help someone). After all, the sooner you begin to interview, the better. If you have not printed a resume, then Be smart. Open it on the tablet. Or then again ... sorry (no arrivals!).

2. You forgot the name of the recruiter and know nothing about the company:

If you're in his office, then look through the eyes (try to look appropriate in this case) any - there must be a name. And if you do not remember and can not find, simply avoid mentioning, but in the end, take a card and hope that such nonsense you will not happen again. Know the name is important.

If you are asked why you chose this company as well, you know nothing at all about it, then to speculate about what the proposed position different from the position in which you are now. Try to steer, but in any case do not show perfect ignorance. Ask questions!

3. You have the phone rang, and said no elephant:

Yes, you forgot to turn it off. Rapidly blushing, apologize and turn off the sound. In any case, pick up the phone at a time will be seen as disrespectful, even if you just say "call back later."

4. You do not understand the question that you asked:

Try to rephrase it using the construction "You mean, as I understand it (a) ...." It is best to ask a question so that you ask to repeat it. And suddenly, in the middle of thinking insert "So what was your question?".

5. The interviewer is rude to you, or just a very strange behaves:

"Yes, your Gavrilov-Yamskaya University is known for its philosophical faculty", "your resume, I did not even print out", "We need a person with normal experience" - even asserting itself as you want! If the position is really well suited to you, keep yourself in hand and think about what not work for the man.

How To Survive A Disastrous Interview Jobs
How To Survive A Disastrous Interview Jobs

Sometimes recruiters ask very strange questions like:

  • What do you pizza toppings?
  • Who are you on the zodiac sign and when were you born?
  • In what position do you sleep?

6. An awkward silence:

Laugh it off. Or, if a serious question, just tell the recruiter that you need a minute to think. This is quite an honorable way out, rather than become flushed, sweat, start to bear some nonsense.

  • Emotions going wild at all:

All recruiters too once experienced this, and you will understand if you need to go out or you ask for water. Do not be nervous. Just honorably passed through this test, which a prior uncomfortable for the person. Be yourself and even if you make a mistake, draw conclusions for the future. In general, in the process of falling into depression and discouragement is not exactly an option.

The degree of despair 2 // After the interview:

1. Assess the degree of disaster:

Firstly, most people who have just been on the interview convinced that proved to be not the best (read a book by Professor Katherine Brooks You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career). So first try to soberly assess yourself and your interviewer. Did he deliberately takes you out of balance a strange question: "What are you an animal?". So discomfort after - not a sign of failure.

2. Praise yourself for something ..:

Maybe you nervously joked (we believe it was funny) or shared the interview with something interesting in addition to "I'm sociable, responsible and generally quite think of anything." You did everything right. And praise yourself which managed to show you all of a sudden.

3. Broken heart or thunder and lightning?:

Disappointment, anger, you're funny, you feel sad, you feel like it - try to assess the feeling with which you leave the interview. And yet, try to remember at what point you suddenly - is exactly what will be the starting point (the question / opinion / your answer) your uncertainty in the results.

4. Wait for the results and do not panic:

Sometimes even the most bizarre interview as good stories end happily. So do not try to write sms in our culture it is not accepted. Politely say goodbye and wait for results. But if the answer and no decision was followed by a week- write interviewer asking to explain what went wrong and what exactly do you make a mistake.

How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself

In a perfect fairy-tale world, we find no problem pleasing our job without any problems to get a new job. We call us the right amount of money and we have no problem appoint a salary. Unfortunately, life is not so, and for a place in the sun have to fight.

In this text, we will tell you how very profitable to sell yourself before the interview.

Draw attention of a recruiter will help outrageous and / or punctuality.

If you speak the language of psychology, there are two basic ways to draw people's attention on anything - catching and matching his expectations. Indeed, the first thing we notice, or something very bright, or what really corresponds with our expectations. 

Every day the recruiter scans hundreds or maybe even thousands of resumes and cover letters. If you - quite expensive specialists and can afford some shocking, I recommend going to the first path. That is the way catching. For example, if you like the vacancy senior financial analyst, then your cover letter and resume should be labeled, such as "The Wizard of financial analysis." Attention guaranteed pay. 

But that's the way it is expensive for a specialist who can afford to light trolling conservative banking structures. 

If you - it's just you, you still should choose the second path - matching expectations. Job title, usually formed very specific - for example, "browser market dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies." However, many applicants openly lazy to create a resume and cover letter for a particular position and call it a "journalist" or at best "medical journalist." Calling your resume and cover letter correctly, you are guaranteed to attract the attention of a headhunter, to seek out the right people for key words in the title. Plus, you show the recruiter that you care and attention to detail man. 

Why not create outrageous steep resume? This can be done with us . 

Make a recruiter in your values ​​will use headhunters familiar concepts and names. 

Scientifically proven: the easier it is something present, the more likely it seems that event. Employees of Staff - ordinary people, not unlike us.When they study your resume and see there some clear and familiar things, they believe it is much more likely. "What nonsense, this firm can be reached only after the MGU or MGIMO" - so one of my friends reacted when he saw the little-known in the summary of the applicant university, standing next to a prestigious job in the office. 

But do not despair if you do suddenly went to a little-known institution, and (for the complexity of the problem) do not work in large companies whose names are on the ear. Use the halo effect is to add value to itself as a competitor. For example, if you are in the study had to speak at a conference at MGIMO - definitely check this fact. If your little-known company has worked closely with large state holdings - tell us about it. Faced with the familiar and understandable names, recruiters relax and believe in you. 

How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself
How To Write A Cover Letter Magic And Profitable To Sell Yourself

Request a salary higher than the market will help you use anchors in the form of inflated amounts. 

Scientifically proven fact - when we try to assess the value of an object, we always start from some initial set of numbers ("anchor") and correct them in the future. Imagine a situation - you have successfully passed the interview and they ask you how much you are worth. If you type the audacity to specify the amount several times higher than your value, then further negotiations will go on adjusting this amount up or down. For example, if you request 100 K per month (prepared in the same place 40), there is a high probability that the result will be assigned amount in the region of 80-90 C. If you really like it if the company has any extra money if you do not They named their wages from the previous job. 

By the way, if you "skromnyashka" and can not crank out such a focus, then there is an easier option. Try to mention the anchor figure in the text accompanying letter, preferably several times. You can even regardless of money. For example, say that for the time you have implemented about 100 projects and spent about 100 presentations. The beauty lies in the fact that the consciousness of your interlocutor still tune to the number 100, and he starts to figure your reward, starting from this figure. 

But I personally still would not have to rely on tricks with the unconscious and announced directly to that amount. 

Knowing these little psychological techniques will increase your chance of being in the company of your dreams, with a salary of your dreams. These technologies will allow you to truly meticulously choose their place of work and open the door to actually kick.

Saturday 6 June 2015

6 Mistakes That Twenty Years

Perhaps this is the most difficult period in the life of every human being. Especially if he is aware of this and does not understand what he wants from you, from life, from the future. You know, you can quickly make mistakes, but they need to comprehend and accept wisely and slowly. We will try. Fortunately, this is always (!) Is the time.

1. We think that 20 years - an age when everything is possible, and the solution can be changed

Nevertheless, this is the age of the most important decisions in our lives. If you look back 50-60 years ago, you probably think of myself twenty years. Yes, these are the first steps on the way up the career ladder, in a family plan, but it moves, and the pace of that sound which is heard all my life.

2. We declare loudly about themselves

Imagine that you - the fish. In the vast ocean of fish more experienced and serious. And you also a little. As you can see you? According to the features that distinguish you among the crowd. How many do not shout about your wonderful merits - here you can not hear. Not because you're not worthy. Here, just silence. Here's a metaphor. Try to immediately find their difference and carry it with dignity.

3. We, Dr. Wade loves rapidly resign

Yes, everyone in this age is inherent in youthful maximal-ism. Do not you one. However, it is worth considering before you leave the place of work: all I got here? Do I have enough connections to move on? where would I go? I manage? Be reasonable - do not run an application if your colleague is very sociable and you are sick of it. Catch Zen!

4. Status and money - is paramount at this age

Our survey group VKontakte showed that about 70% of young people choose money (wealth) rather than inspiration. What does it mean? Meeting the needs of the status of this age and the attainability of this status is available with money. What is not very true. 

20 years - the age when you can get the knowledge that when the brain operates on the absorption of information and rapid digestion. Who is easier to remember, think of to learn, and just your mind to it and continue to work at all as an ideal mechanism!

Do not just set sail in search of material, because in order to get the status, you need to have enough confidence. 

6 Mistakes That Twenty Years
6 Mistakes That Twenty Years

5. P ly be adrift!

And it would be better to set goals.It sounds boring, we know, but the truth is. If you now focus on one thing, something that appeals to you, instead of spreading on unnecessary things - you will thank yourself later.

6. We love to compete with everyone. Not with him.

This is a favorite thing! Wait. We know that twenty years just need to assert themselves and they do it thanks to the victories. Over others. Instead of war with him, to go for a jog, to enroll. It is not necessary to strive for in order to be better than anyone else. Be better than you are now. Let's get together.

Incredible Ideas Of 2015 Which Will Soon Become Our Life

Technologies, ideas, change, something completely new that changed our lives this year, and maybe even forever. About the weather, about the work of the cosmos!

Can a change of attitude to low-paid workers become the new hot business strategy?

Aetna, Gap, Starbucks - and even Walmart - change strategy, and to pay related to the better-paid workers.

Imagine! The audience of office in Jacksonville, Florida, gathered nearly 200 employees Aetna - the rest were connected by a network - to communicate with the CEO.

They expect that everything will go to the town hall-style Q & A. But no, they had a surprise, especially those who are on the lower rungs of the hierarchy of office: CEO Mark Bertolini said that those who earn less than $ 16 dollars an hour, receive a salary increase.

Right on the satellite are detectives who caught the company, destroying the planet from space

Now that all available photos of the cosmos, it's time to use them to stop the nefarious companies who commit covert action.

For decades, the lawyer Ray Purdy worked at the academy, studying the information received from the satellites as direct evidence and tools to address the problems of environmental law. His work has long been close to the scientific world: every month he received a call from police associations for the protection of the environment, representatives of the ministries. They all wanted to receive satellite images, but it was difficult to find and even more difficult to study. Purdy realized that this is just a chance for him.

Satellites are becoming less everything is cheaper, easier to deliver them all. A huge number of start-ups, including Planet Labs and Skybox (bought by Google in 2014) create a space fleet, which can make and send images every corner of the planet, with sufficiently high resolution so you can see the hatch or the number on the sign. Purdy and Ray Harris, a professor of geography at University College London, who devoted his career to the study of the earth, participated in the creation of Air and Space Evidence, agency, specializing in the use of satellite imagery as evidence in the investigation of the insurance cases, and legal violations. Two Ray, who act as intermediaries between the companies and people who want to use information from cosmic bodies, called the business space detective agency.

Do not relax: discomfort as a new kind of convenience.

It's time to stop mankind from turning into a useless mass, eternally seeking fun! Some designers deny ideology simplify life and come up with new challenges in our lives.

When you enter the Intervator - hacked elevator in Essen, Germany - and press the fifth floor, a lift takes you to the fourth and tells you that it's time to warm up a bit!

"All this in order to understand how you can change your behavior every day, to let something new," - says Matthias Leshke, PhD German Folkvang University of the Arts, who is working with designers, inventors, and that broke the elevator panel .

Now that we really can do Geo-engineering the planet, why not make it the truth?

Engineers dream to remake the planet that we live with our carbon emissions. How to stop the state from one of panic solutions press?

Here's a scenario that seems plausible, especially if we continue down this path ignoring climate change: drought in northern China, exacerbated by global warming. People are dying. Huge waves of migration. The government, which is well known for his attitude to crisis situations, decided on a plan to change the weather by spraying sulphate aerosols using - a combination of water vapor and sulfur - from aircraft. The wind spreads it all over the planet, ultimately increasing the albedo of the planet (the ability to reflect the sun's rays back into space). The process of global warming is changing, even if greenhouse gases continue to accumulate. So the warming process will thus be stopped and drought in China as a result.

This operation is not too much especially in comparison with the huge costs of items - instead of wasting billions of dollars a year, according to David Cave, one of the foremost advocates of Geo-engineering and professor of applied physics and public policy at Harvard - the spread of sulfate aerosols, having a global impact can be accomplished with one airbases.

Incredible Ideas Of 2015 Which Will Soon Become Our Life
Incredible Ideas Of 2015 Which Will Soon Become Our Life

Aerosol can make the sky more white, reminding us that we change the climate. But how much it would mean for the whole world, this process prevent many deaths. In any case, it is not known how the international community can stop China or India on changes in shape of the earth without the permission of the whole world.

You'll wear leather clothes, grown in the laboratory before have grown in the same burger.

No cow will not suffer when creating your bags.

Scientists can already grow a burger in a petri dish. But before we see lab-grown steaks on a market stall, we will find her skin at fashion shows.

According to the Modern Meadow, one of Start-ups in Brooklyn, we've got a future in which "grow, and does not clog." The company is working simultaneously on what you can eat and what you can wear. In the production of the presence of living beings is not necessary. CEO Andras Forgas says that grown in the laboratory skin will appear before the meat on the shelves. And it will be easier for people to accept the new biotechnology, first in the form of clothing, not a product, lying on a plate.

Please turn off their phones. Or do we turn off their own.

The increase in the places where we will be disconnected from all technologies - a useful innovation.

Head over to the usual cafe in London, or indeed in any other city, where you can find freelancers to leptopam sticky, people who scrolls without stopping on their smartphones ... But this year in London will be something special: a cafe, which will automatically block signals WI-fi, so that you pay attention to your friends, but not on the technology.

6 Dangerous Beliefs That Can Ruin Your Career

There are some incredibly dangerous statements with which we go through life, and constantly bear repeating. And they at some point may adversely affect your career confidence.

Hazardous conviction # 1: Perfectionism = Success:

Human beings, so arranged by nature, are fallible. When perfectionism, the ideal result is your main goal, you always live with a terrible fear to make a mistake, spend too much time complaining that something is not possible, instead rejoice already made. In general, do not overdo in his life with a thrust to the ideal of creation. Because nature does not create ideal forms, but the most beautiful apples in the store are always grated wax and are composed of a pinch of GMOs.

Hazardous belief # 2: My destiny is ordained:

So many people are obsessed with the idea of ​​completely irrational that they are destined to succeed somewhere, and somewhere in the fall. Stop it now! Your destiny, life is in your hands, and the use of certain forces beyond your control to justify both victories and defeats, it is doubly unacceptable. Sometimes life gives you a card in the hands of the pagans, and sometimes you swindles. Your desire to transfer to the "wrong" hands on this game - absolutely obvious forfeited. PS Psychic fifth generation Claudius advise you never to play cards;)

Hazardous belief # 3: Always or Never!:

There is no-thing in this life that you have always done or ever will do. Remember, you told my mom that will never vandalize? break cup? So what? Get it? Limit your life, your actions, your behavior such concepts just fundamentally wrong. This all means that you can not control your life or do not want to change it. Do not give in and just honestly tell yourself that you will make mistakes and will go to McDonald's again.

Hazardous belief # 4: I do well when others disapprove:

I do well when others disapprove
I do well when others disapprove

Regardless of what people think about you at any time of life, one thing for sure is true in most cases: you are not as bad as they say, but not so good. If Elena at the school told you that you're a genius, and you need a Nobel Prize, you try it as soon as possible to forget. Most often, such praise is relaxing, not stimulating. You can not just disconnect from the opinions of others, but you must learn to take everything with a pinch of salt. As a positive sense and in a negative. Not so it is important that people think about you, but your self-confidence and self-esteem only your handiwork.

Hazardous belief # 5: My future My past =:

Repeated mistakes and failures can affect your self-confidence, and hard to believe that so often you can achieve success in the future. But you must remember that any failure is the result of what you risk, take responsibility for themselves. No fault can affect your ability to achieve success. Before you learn how to ride a bike, everyone had to strip the knees. So keep falling, because sooner or later all will.

Hazardous conviction # 6: My emotions = Reality:

We must learn to look objectively at their emotions. Yes, it sounds weird. Emotions destroy your vision of reality, you drive themselves and are wasting their potential. So sometimes turn off the emotions.

Corporations And Start-Ups What Will You Choose?

We are sure that you have friends who were able to build a great career in large corporations, or could leave them open a successful business, and in both cases felt (and feel) happy.

Once again, we have tried to understand and identify the main differences between our view and the criteria by which you can determine where you should go.

So, we highlight 4 (a half) of the main differences between the beginning of a career in start-ups and corporations (and stability of the social package, we do not mention, because here everything is clear, and it is unlikely to 20+ is someone vital ).

1. Diversification:

This difference is probably the main thing. Working in corporations, especially in the initial position, you will be responsible for some one direction (and even more so for his part) and only occasionally will have the opportunity to do something else.

Take a simple example: working in the audit you will be limited not only by its specialization, but also likely a certain sector of the economy, whether it's Oil & Gas, TMT or engineering. Of course, you will have the possibility to grasp and work out how to tax and (if you're lucky), corporate finance, but in any case 90% + you will deal only with the audit.

Work as a start-up, especially at the initial stage, it means that you have (or at least are willing to) be (become) a jack of all trades. Something one does not get engaged in at least two reasons: the first is likely a start-up will not be a specialist for each specific direction (and engage in this direction should be), and secondly, as a rule, to create a truly successful product Each team member should be aware of and involved 146% in each direction. So regardless of the role for which you have to work, get ready to explore the basics of code, multiple destinations internet marketing (SMM / e-mail / context, and so forth.), Methods PR-a, based on sales, etc.

What does that mean for the candidate?:

It's simple. If you know exactly what you want to do, in a start-up you do nothing, because 100% focus on your desired specialization you do not get. However, if you are still in search of themselves and want to try yourself in different directions (and not just to try and become a professional), the work in a start-up can be an excellent choice.

2. Responsibility:

It should be understood that the responsibility, even in the most rigorous and demanding the head can not be compared with the direct responsibility of the client (user of your product).

For example, imagine a situation where you are working as an analyst at IB, within 2 weeks of day and night were the presentation of 100 slides, which you must bring a deal to several billion dollars (0.5% commission for the bank). Who do you show it? Immediately customer? Of course not: it first looks and give your Associate your comments (and may parallel good mate because the color of the title does not match the corporate brand book), then it will look VP and will also give their comments (and may scold you for that one line to three millimeters moved out). As a result, in the end, when all the presentation will be shown to the customer, the responsibility for its success will rest not on your shoulders.

Corporations And Start-Ups What Will You Choose?
Corporations And Start-Ups What Will You Choose?

At start-up, the situation is reversed. Despite the fact that the results of your work will likely pass filter at CEO / CTO / CMO (so if you are not) before the product will take advantage of the client, the responsibility for the result of a 50% + will lay it on you.

What does that mean for the candidate?:

It's simple: it employs the classic ratio of risk-reward (the higher one - the more different). If successful, the start-up you will feel in seventh heaven, but in case of failure - trampled into the ground. In the case of work in corporations amplitude of joy and disappointment will be much less.

3. Education:

One of the biggest advantages and value proposition is the ability of corporations constantly held training courses paid by the employer and to learn from fellow industry professionals. Start-ups often, no one will deal with your form, and you will not learn from someone (meaning it learn your specialization).

It seems that on this point the corporation really beat start-ups. But is it really?

We live in an era when education every day is becoming more affordable: almost everything you can learn / explore online and even consult with professionals via Facebook / LinkedIn. The only obstacle to learn new skills and knowledge is the motivation. Training courses from corporations are essentially "kick" to learn something new. So, if you need a "kick" and a start-up it can not provide (for obvious financial reasons), then the problem is not a start-up, but you.

On the other hand, it motivates the employee start-up, as well as representative of the corporation, will always find an opportunity, a place and time in order to gain knowledge. Free courses, books, movies - all of this is now available to everyone.

What sways Benchmarking colleagues, here, too, it is not so obvious. Every day realities of the market, introduce new products, services and new technologies. Not the fact that your leaders to understand these new trends better than you.

What does that mean for the candidate?:

As it noted in the text, if you have enough motivation to train yourself using all kinds of tools available, the Corporation will not be able to offer you the "added value" in the context of education. However, if you need a "kick" to generate new knowledge / skills, then there is no corporate entity can not do.

4. Stability:

As you know, working for a company with a turnover of you, quite frankly, is very enticing, allows you to feel comfortable, stable. This, of course, wonderful, especially if you want to start a family and to travel wherever you want.

There should be a phrase about champagne and the risk. Start-ups do not sleep at night and never know whether anything like money, what will be the revenue and whether or not at all. And the champagne can not drink very often, but just because there is no time.

The same applies to your personal time. It is stable (relatively) will have when working in a large company, because there is absolutely working hours are clearly defined, but when working at a start-up you are unlikely to be able to accurately plan when you relax and when to work. Perhaps the rest will have to be postponed until better times. Like a dream.

What does that mean for the candidate?:

This means that you need to set priorities: if you want to become a universal soldier - choose start-up. You want to become an incredible professional in something one - you large companies. As you can imagine, and he and the candidates have different strengths. But both will be in demand.

4.5 Prestige:

In Russia still believed that a start - it is something frivolous (in principle understandable, given that in runet start-ups like to call the online stores selling fake boots and a coffee shop franchise), but the line in the summary with the mention well-known international corporations - is top class.

In the US, is bucking the trend and work in start-ups is considered more and more the promising: over the past few years the number of graduates of top MBA schools by the end of the departed not Goldman Sachs / McKInsey etc. It increased by an order. Over time, this trend, we believe, will be applicable in Russia (we all late).

On the other hand, if we recall the "prestige" of a personal nature, we can safely tell you that a start-up, though does not give you a solid ground under their feet, but it gives you the strength and the idea that you can do anything. The truth is everything. Make PR-company? Easy! Come up with a new project as part of its? Did.

You will always feel part of the team, whose members are always at the helm. In corporations, you also take place in a strictly calibrated at a large ship, and will be responsible for any problem in it. This gives you the opportunity to become a professional and just a connoisseur of your cover, but far from the wheel. And the sea is difficult to see!

Separately, (not even paragraph 4.75) would like to mention one more thing, at first sight, inconspicuous difference. The work in the corporation = work. Working in a start-up = lifestyle. We think comments here are unnecessary. Believe us, we know!

In conclusion, I want to bring up a little. So.


You should go to work in a corporation, if you:

a) have already decided what exactly you want to do (hint: and that brings you pleasure)

b) want to "sleep" and not be "on the razor's edge" 24/7

c) want to "pump" their skills at the expense of the employer

d) prefer to separate the concept of "work" and "private life"

You should try his hand at start-up, if you:

a) have not decided exactly what I want to and / or want to try different areas and at the same to become a professional in several areas

b) ready to be connected 24/7, and take to heart all the success or failure of the project

c) willing to do to look for ways to pump you need skills

d) you want to make your life described by the equation "work = life"

And finally, some points in the direction of start-ups in the form of quotes:

The more elusive the boundaries between your work and life, the more successful you probably are in both.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?

May 14 in Russia are celebrating the Day freelancer. Freedom of creation or the beginning of a new slavery - what are the prospects for such a specialist?

May 14 in Russia are celebrating the Day freelancer. It can be called a symbol of free creativity. For freelancers there are no national boundaries. However, the bright future of such specialists clouds "work in the clouds" - Cloudworking.

Let us look to the future

2020. Single, with poor health and not seeing daylight freelancer talks about the difficulties of his work. His profession is now called Cloudworker. Specialty - a software developer. For orders he has to fight with his only friends, they are the same - the virtual enemies, as claimed by his work.

Blame the major concerns that gave rise to a new stage of enslavement of the workers. Instead of permanent staff are increasingly began to use the services of freelancers, placing their orders online. And those, in turn, hurrying to beat the competition, began to carry out the work for meager sums. Instead of 8,000 euros for the project began to receive 300 programmer.

So bleak prospects imagine a German trade union Ver.di freelancers in the video. And there are no collective agreements, the right to leave, employer social security contributions, a good pension, - all this poor freelancer deprived forever. However, on this sour note interrupts the narrative, and the voice-over says that all of this can still be prevented.

The yield on the German market:

Freelancing as a form of employment has both fans and ardent critics. The World Wide Web for freelancers do not respect national boundaries. Mark decides to qualification. "Personality and business idea," - adds Karin Muller (Karin Müller). The representative of German unification Freelancer International said that a member of this alliance could be anyone. Today, about 10 percent of its participants - freelancers from abroad. There is also a web designer from Ukraine.

The yield on the German and, of course, the global market for web designers offers a platform, the largest online marketplace for graphic design professionals. This platform connects customers with the performer. And here I must say, the video part of the German trade union becomes a reality. The company places its order and received offers from several designers, and then chooses a winner.

One of the main conditions for a freelancer in Germany - the existence of a business plan. "Everyone who is in our association must submit its business model to share their knowledge and skills" - says Karin Mueller. Annual membership Freelancer International costs 84 euros and 30 euros - an initial payment. 

Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?
Slave Work: What Are The Risks From A Freelancer?

It provides a network of contacts, which greatly facilitates the life of a freelancer. "For example, if you need to create your own page on the Internet, you can seek the advice of our experts, which will help to take into account all the requirements of the German market", - said the representative Freelancer International.

Where does free work:

Before the gloomy scenario of trade union Ver.di has obviously far. At least the major concerns are in no hurry to move the services of freelancers. When in 2012 the American concern IBM announced large-scale job cuts and their desire to attract more outside developers, the public was outraged. IBM had to partially change their plans. More followers of his original idea and was not found.

But for small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly becoming a freelancer lifesaver. Besides notes Karin Mueller, a freelancer for many - still a transitional stage on the way to the individual business. "Some freelancers develop into a business, others return to work on the contract," - sums up the German expert.

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

Week, month, year - job search after graduation may be delayed. DW tells how to spend this time for the benefit of future career. And for myself.

Search jobs after graduation often delayed and instead of the expected two or three weeks, takes many months. Every day self-esteem drops lower and lower, and the only entertainment is becoming every minute checking email while waiting for news from the prospective employer. But this time can be carried out much more efficiently, to the benefit for future careers as well as for himself.

Time to act :

Of course, the most important during the job search - to find work. And do it actively. We woke up - and more! Read the ads in the newspapers, look for suitable offers on the sites of employment, going to job fairs, interested friends have not cleared a place in their company ...

"But to do this for eight hours a day, sending their documents to all companies in a row, it would be too much. It is better to concentrate on the job that you really interested in, and devote more time to each application," adjusting "it for a specific position and the company" - convinced Lucas Grosse Klёnne (Lukas große Klönne), chief editor of the blog on the topic of career online employment exchange

Those in search of work has to take part are advised to contact an expert it is possible with the area that you would like to devote myself in the future. "You can get in a call center, work on specialized fairs in the office. So you not only get hands-on experience, but also to meet new people. And it is very important. Through the direct contacts and the recommendation of friends in Germany, for example, is in the middle every second job ", - explained Lucas Grosse Klёnne in an interview with DW.

Will fill a forced pause and volunteering, I'm sure Ilka Bucher (Ilka Buecher), head of the Career Center of the University Luneburg. Money volunteering, of course, does not work, but the decoration of the resume becomes clear. Jobs in nursing homes, care for children, support large families ... These facts of your biography and say to the employer: a "soft skills" - the ability to communicate, work in a team - everything is in order. In addition, voluntary work brings a great moral satisfaction. And with faith in themselves and find a job much easier.

My e "i"

Time for dinner ... And do not look at whether your favorite social network? Not for fun. "What is the impression formed about you of a man who" zaguglit "your name? It is important that you have been presented on the Internet in a good light," - emphasizes Lucas Grosse Klёnne. Instead photo corona dance on a table with a Christmas party is to post information about the university, and their specialty areas of practice. It makes sense to have a profile on professional social networks, for example, Xing or LinkedIn. Ask the professor "post it" for you a brief description, at least in a couple of sentences, and the head of the practice - to describe your accomplishments.

Search For A Job And Enjoy Life
Search For A Job And Enjoy Life

If you - a representative of the creative profession, spend time trying to make your own website and publish their work there. I can not wait to share my thoughts about the future profession? Start a blog to describe their ideas, comment on the news on topics of interest to you. At a minimum, these things will convince personnel officers that you are familiar with the computer. At most, they are interested in the information you provide. This means that a call with an invitation to an interview does not have to wait too long.

Tighten the knowledge and self-esteem :

That evening: the time to indulge in pleasant memories ... for example, how in school you studied French for three years, and the university went to the Polish elective. Then why not enroll in a language course or a refresher? Additional foreign language will improve your chances of employment. No language skills? Go to the workshop, become a volunteer at the university. Do not forget to regularly update the resume.

However, if the job was delayed, the problem may be not so much an excess of time as a loss of faith in yourself. "Of course, it discourages, if you sent 20 applications and have not received any positive response," - says Lucas Grosse Klёnne. What to do? "Enjoy life! Make things which had never got around: get right, learn to play the guitar. This will help distract and recharge your batteries - suggests the expert. - In the end, when you start working, you will live on the holiday before the holiday . So now you can even afford to go somewhere for a couple of weeks. "

In turn, Ilka Bucher is confident that if you want you can go on all six months. What if the interview take an interest in space Months of resume? "Tell me, what have dreamed about this trip a lifetime and made efforts to fulfill the dream, when the opportunity presented itself. It will describe you as a person who set goals and achieve them," - she said.

Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals

Major German cities have opened service centers that help foreigners when applying for a job in Germany. What they offer professionals from the CIS?

Solving the problem of shortage of staff, the large German cities have opened service centers that help foreigners when applying for a job in Germany. DW asked that it can offer specialists from the CIS.

Hamburg Welcome Center:

Every year in Hamburg from abroad come to 30,000 new residents. For many, the first address becomes the service center on the street Alter Wall, 11. It will assist in obtaining a visa or a "blue card" (the most popular services), will tell how to construct urban life, inform about the organizations involved in employment, as well as about where and how to look for housing and language courses.

The mooted around 20 thousand requests. "Applications from experts from Russia and Ukraine come regularly," - said the representative of the municipality DW Krumm Matthias (Matthias Krumm). 14 employees promise to respond within 72 hours. Personal meetings should be used for 10 days. Consultations are held in German and in English. Contact information - Center site:

Service-Center für Internationale Fachkräfte in Munich:

And in the Bavarian capital recently from foreign experts has a pilot. Service Center at the building of the city administration (Ruppertstraße, 19) is currently using 7000 people. 700 of them - from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. According to the director Shtrotman Sabina (Sabine Strotmann), most issues relate to obtain or extend the visa and formalities associated with the relocation of the family.

The center provides only advice, working closely with the Office for Foreigners and the Agency for Labour. His staff - 12 employees who speak eight languages, including - in Russian and Ukrainian. Requests are taken by e-mail: All the details - on site service.

Dresden Welcome Center:

The influx of professionals in need and "Florence on the Elbe". Carry them in a bureaucratic jungle is charged with seven employees of the service center in the Town Hall. Schweriner Straße, 1 - the address for those who need advice. "We deal with visa issues, we give practical tips, for example, about which school to send child relocation plan," - says the head of the center Eckert Doris (Doris Eckert).

Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals
Welcome Center Pilots For Foreign Professionals

In the circle of clients of the center - a few hundred people from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The working languages ​​here - German, English. Help provide telephone +49 035148 86051 or email: Preliminary information is available on the city website: . And the one who wants to work in the field of science and culture service of Dresden Concept (in the same building) to advise on the resume.

Welcome center Hessen Frankfurt am Main:

"Your chance of Hesse!" - Site service center does not give empty promises. In this federal land will be glad to new personnel in the technical industry, medicine and the field of care for the sick and elderly. While experts from the CIS Welcomecenter Hessen- rare visitors. In his address received requests from Azerbayzhdana, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine and Tajikistan.

"Most people are interested in vacancies, language schools and procedures for the recognition of diplomas. We will answer any questions and help you create a resume," - emphasizes Julia Sternberg employee (Julia Sternberg). Site service provides the first glimpse of the region. It also placed ads on the activities of foreigners: .

Welcome Center Thuringia in Erfurt:

In the historical building located at Willy-Brandt-Platz, 1 (opposite the station) and foreign specialists for those who want to receive professional education, will have a warm welcome. By 2025, Thüringen will be missed 280,000 personnel in industry and medicine. To solve the problem here Agency was established to attract professionals in charge of, and is the service center.

Today, five of its staff hold individual consultations and respond by e-mail all questions about school, work and life in Thuringia. Organized as a "hot" telephone line. The contact details and opening hours - on the site: .

Welcome Center Stuttgart

In the fall of 2014 began to receive visitors and a  service center in Stuttgart. This town, as well as the federal state of Baden-Württemberg as a whole, needs to be IT-personnel and technical specialists, in the field of child-rearing and care for the sick and elderly. Himself Baden-Wurttemberg - record for the number of Welcome Center: 10 from here! Customer service gives advice Stuttgart nine employees. One of the working languages ​​- Russian. Contact details are available on the website the center: .

North Rhine-Westphalia - in the tail:

Your service center is about to open, and North Rhine-Westphalia. Its employees have already been trained, only premises in Essen yet: its construction is delayed. Meanwhile, in the Ruhr area, in particular in Essen are many large enterprises like RWE, ThyssenKrupp, Evonik, which are in dire need of personnel with technical education and international experience.